here's what it boils down to.
"How much of a stickler am i gonna be today"
I mean we can all obviously read to some level...
...most shit's forgiveable phonetically. i mean there
comes a time when you read it (ok, not reading right)
you sound it out (ok, ohhh aight) and you move on
with your life. nahmean? part of battling is knowing
your audience. it's a guard you have to put on your
work, but it also can't cornhole your creativity as
well. True, some people are just ignorant, but there's
already context clues that would lead me that way
in a reading session. The line Soup quotes was
obviously thought out for what its worth, so you'd
have to assume they went over the flow on that.
the concept was placed carefully, so basics like flow
were taken into account there as well.