Rhyming Scheme/Flow - Thought FAME took this category by a hair, but both did pretty good in this category.
Vocabulary - Catharsis
Topic/Meaning - I personally felt FAME's piece more. The direction he went was unique and I could relate more to it.
Storytelling/Progression - This is a tough call, I think Catharsis had a good story line and it prgressed more and unfolded a bit better. Going with Catharsis in this category.
Emotion - this is tough as well. I think FAME got this by a hair IMO.
Imagery - Catharsis/
Poetic Techniques - FAME got this, i was feeling the way he spoke of a man who had it all and let it go because of pride.
Ending - i'm leaning more towards FAME on this one, just because i feel like Cath went off on tangents a bit when he talked about different people. both
Overall- Tough call. but I'mma give my vote to FAME