2016 We Change LB
Hey everyone I wanted to wish everyone a happy new year and fill y'all in on what's been happening behind the scenes a little bit.. I know we habe reached a stalemate with what this site has to offer and i realize we need to change the sites focus dramatically to improve.. My old idea was to offer more options for our users to battle more conveniently and have more incentive..but i no longer think thats the answer... Battle rap in a live forum and online battle rap online is two completely different beasts.. The live battles garner more attention from the public where as we are more of an underground niche collective.. I think its time we break out into this bigger market and cater to a broader spectrum of battle rap fans..especially now with our own live league picking up steam its the best time.. Over this next year you will see this site redevelop into a completely different site almost a social media type site strictly for battle rappers to share work, get feed back and spar for fun.. The online battle element will remain but will be less focused on.. I will be around more often starting next week if anyone has questions or feedback just hit me up!