I'd personally Like the Live Events to have a sub forum for each location. I mean, if you ever wanna go back and check a battle out you can just easily access it as sub forums imo are an organised way of displaying content.
OR...since each battle league is being posted by a separate user (KOTD, GrindTime etc.) instead of by System like before, you can just go to the user profile and search threads posted by that particular user.
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I'd personally Like the Live Events to have a sub forum for each location. I mean, if you ever wanna go back and check a battle out you can just easily access it as sub forums imo are an organised way of displaying content.
OR...since each battle league is being posted by a separate user (KOTD, GrindTime etc.) instead of by System like before, you can just go to the user profile and search threads posted by that particular user.