I got to thinking again
So I've been pondering...
The universe, at its core, works off probability. It's immensely unlikely, but for any given state, the universe could (though it probably won't) rearrange itself into anything. Anything at all.
If the universe is truly cyclical, as many believe, and has been here for an infinite, or unimaginably immense, amount of time, have we already been in every possible configuration of matter? And will we be in every possible configuration of matter at some point in the future?
Has probability dictated that we have lived every life we could, or will live every life we can, even without the help of the probably wrong (and likely untestable in any case) Many-Worlds Interpretation? Has each one of us already been to Hell, Heaven, the Star Wars universe, and the Culture, and many variants of each, or will we? It's not impossible.
Also, if you died, and at some point in the future, the universe rearranged itself to form the exact same configuration of particles and energy you were in, would it still be you? Or would it just be a clone? If it's the first one, that means you can never die, because you'll always come back in some form.
Just something I've been thinking about.
Jesus said, "Come forth, and ye shall receive eternal life." I came fifth and won a toaster
Last edited by ṠȟȍƋăⓝ; 07-22-2014 at 01:56 AM.