Originally Posted by ILLoKWENT
Tend to agree.. its nice to look back and see the greats of a past era.. but u also need to look at who the competition was surrounding them.. in a way its like nba past and present.. do u compare wilt chamberlain to shaquille.. or oskar robertson to isiah thomas.. lebron vs. Dr.j.. ? different eras spawn greatness.. but to say one era is better than another is pointless imo and counterproductive to acheivments of the current squad..
exactly what im sayin.
"While I'm watchin every nigga watching me closely,
my shit is butter for tha bread they wanna toast me
I keep my head, both of them where they suppose to be.." #CanILive
"I Strike Down Upon Thee With Great Vengenance & Furious Anger For Those Who Attempt To Poison & Destroy My Brothers, AND YOU WILL KNOW MY NAME IS THA LORD!!" #PulpFiction
*~Tha Dope Man~*