suspended: No
home team
injury cases
Chelsea's injury situation
injury: Alex (the main defender)
Zhirkov (midfielder),
ugg Women's Boots, Benayoun (midfielder)
suspended: No Black Injuries: Emerton (main midfield, the Asian Cup), Robinson (goalkeeper), Jones (main defender)
suspended: No Manchester City Injuries: Silva (main midfielder)
Balotelli (forward)
suspended: Savoie Leta (main defender) Wolves injury: K-Henry (main midfielder)
Moyoukeluo (guard), Keightley (midfielder), Craddock (guard), Gaidiaola (midfielder)
suspended: halloysite Bryant (main defender) Stoke injury: Sidibe (forward)
suspended: No Bolton injury: LI Qing (main midfield, the Asian Cup), Stenson (main defender)
Samuel (defender), O'Brien (midfield),
discount handbags, Sean - Davis (midfielder)
suspended: no West Brom injury: S-Red (midfielder)
suspended: Olson (back) Brian Pu injury: Karni (defender, the Asian Cup), Basham (guard), Clark (forward)
suspended: No West Ham injury: Jacobson (main defender)
DaCosta (guard), Hitzlsperger (midfielder), Ku Luci (goalkeeper)
suspended: Nobel (main midfielder) Arsenal injury: Squee Rudge (main defender), Virginia Mullen (main defender)
Manuel Almunia (Goalkeeper), Flynn Peng (midfielder)
suspended: Sarnia (main defender) Wigan Athletic Injuries: Clay Foley (main midfielder), J-McCarthy (main midfielder)
Moises (midfielder)
suspended: No injuries Fulham: Schwarzer (goalkeeper,
MLB Baseball Caps & Hats, the Asian Cup)
Zamora (forward), Stoll (back), Philippe Senderos (back)
suspended: no Nuremberg injury: Franz (striker),
discount designer handbags, Nelson (main defender), tribute Dogan (main midfielder)
Ming Taer (midfielder), the Canadian Library (forward)
suspended: No Borussia injury: Dante (guard), Bruce Wells (back)
suspended: Boabadilla (striker) Pauli injury: Moraine (back)
suspended: No Freiburg injury: Top Mubarak (main defender)
Bo Pulin (goalkeeper), Cole Marsh (guard), Ya Geer (forward), Williams (midfielder), Beckman (forward), Reisinger (forward)
suspended: No Stuttgart injury: Deborah Andrews (back), Odell (forward), Nick Hall (forward)
suspended: No injuries in Mainz: Svensson (main defender)
Sri Vuk Stojakovic (forward)
suspended: No Wolf injuries: Makoto Hasebe (main midfield, the Asian Cup), and dominant (main striker,
cartier glasses, transfer)
Karyo ratio (forward)
suspended: No Bayern injury: Cross (main midfielder)
��-�� (guard), Olic (forward)
suspended: No injuries Bremen: Naldo (main defender), Wesley (main midfielder), Almeida (main striker, transfer)
Boen Ni Shi (back)
suspended: No Huofen Hai injury: Obasi (striker), Gustavo (main midfielder, transfer)
suspended: Salihovic (main midfielder) Schalke injury: Benedict Uchida people (the main defender, the Asian Cup)
Huge Lan (guard), Hao Junmin (midfield, the Asian Cup), Kenya (midfielder)
suspended: No Hamburg injury: Matheson (main defender), Guerrero (striker)
Castelen (midfielder), Pedro Ridge (forward), Sun Hongmin (forward, Asian Cup), Dick Meyer (back)
suspended: No Getafe injury: Kelun Jia (forward), Borja (midfielder), Mario (back)
suspended: no social illness: Martinez (main defender)
Agee Fraser (forward), Yifu Lan (forward)
suspended: no virally injury: Marchena (main defender), Nilmar (striker), Senna (main midfielder)
suspended: No Osasuna injury: Nekounam (main midfield, the Asian Cup), Meng Leier (main defender)
She Jiayi (midfield, the Asian Cup), Rupel (midfielder)
suspended: No