its very upsetting to see that a young teenager lost his life n too me it seems that da state of florida don't give two shits about it but this is da society that we still live in they would rather talk bout natalee holloway for years like she was da only thing in da world to talk about but da media is a big part of da problem when they only talk about whats important to them sad but true there's lots of things in this world that needs talked about but u will never hear about it OUR MEDIA LOVES TO FEED ITS PEOPLE LIES N BULLSHIT just like 9/11 but its up to u to believe what u wanna believe......n since i'm speakin bout that has anyone here ever heard of da BILDERBERG GROUP or da SKULL N BONES secret society n if so what r ur views...
Last edited by SA_ANZ; 03-29-2012 at 11:53 PM.