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  2020 Audio Spring Throwdown
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Pseudo Nim vs Starwalker
Style: Written
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Pseudo Nim vs Starwalker
Style: Written
0 Votes No Rating YetNo Rating YetNo Rating YetNo Rating YetNo Rating Yet
PeaceandLaug... vs BnasBnas is on FIRE! 10+ wins in a row!Bnas is on FIRE! 10+ wins in a row!
Style: Freestyle
1 Vote 4.75 stars4.75 stars4.75 stars4.75 stars4.75 stars
KDOTCARTER vs PeaceandLaug...
Style: Written
1 Vote 4.75 stars4.75 stars4.75 stars4.75 stars4.75 stars
FightsAndRap... vs PeaceandLaug...
Style: Freestyle
0 Votes No Rating YetNo Rating YetNo Rating YetNo Rating YetNo Rating Yet
KDOTCARTER vs Mizz AmmoMizz Ammo is on FIRE! 10+ wins in a row!Mizz Ammo is on FIRE! 10+ wins in a row!
Style: Freestyle
0 Votes No Rating YetNo Rating YetNo Rating YetNo Rating YetNo Rating Yet
Style: Written
2 Votes 2.625 stars2.625 stars2.625 stars2.625 stars2.625 stars
Style: Freestyle
1 Vote 2.5 stars2.5 stars2.5 stars2.5 stars2.5 stars
Occam vs FightsAndRap...
Style: Freestyle
2 Votes 3.125 stars3.125 stars3.125 stars3.125 stars3.125 stars
PeaceandLaug... vs BnasBnas is on FIRE! 10+ wins in a row!Bnas is on FIRE! 10+ wins in a row!
Style: Freestyle
0 Votes No Rating YetNo Rating YetNo Rating YetNo Rating YetNo Rating Yet
1mp4l3d vs mister jon f...
Style: Freestyle
1 Vote 1.25 stars1.25 stars1.25 stars1.25 stars1.25 stars
PeaceandLaug... vs BnasBnas is on FIRE! 10+ wins in a row!Bnas is on FIRE! 10+ wins in a row!
Style: Freestyle
2 Votes 2.875 stars2.875 stars2.875 stars2.875 stars2.875 stars
KDOTCARTER vs PeaceandLaug...
Style: Written
1 Vote 2.5 stars2.5 stars2.5 stars2.5 stars2.5 stars
KDOTCARTER vs PeaceandLaug...
Style: Written
0 Votes No Rating YetNo Rating YetNo Rating YetNo Rating YetNo Rating Yet
KDOTCARTER vs PeaceandLaug...
Style: Written
0 Votes No Rating YetNo Rating YetNo Rating YetNo Rating YetNo Rating Yet

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Unread 11-27-2014, 04:18 PM
TalkSick's Avatar
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Estimated Skill in Audio: 3.98/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 3.98/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 3.98/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 3.98/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 3.98/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 3.98/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 3.98/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 3.98/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 3.98/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 3.98/10 stars
Basic Audio Record
15 Points / 3 Won / 4 Lost
Exclusive Audio Record
0 Points / Won / Lost

Estimated Skill in Text: 3.98/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 3.98/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 3.98/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 3.98/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 3.98/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 3.98/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 3.98/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 7.7/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 7.7/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 7.7/10 stars
Basic Text Record
3050 Points / 303 Won / 112 Lost
Exclusive Text Record
59 Points / 9 Won / 7 Lost
Thumbs up Talksick Voting Thread.

Drop your links below and Il get to them as soon as possible.

Rule #1) Do not be offended by my bluntness.

Rule #2) If my vote doesn't go your way, for the love of God, save it! My votes are 100.

Rule #3) Always mention me in your post (@TalkSick) or i may miss it.

Rule #4) If you have a fake plant in your home, you must always pretend to water it or it WILL die.

Stay classy!
PunchLine AddiCt AND Metaphor' JuNkie

Last edited by TalkSick; 11-27-2014 at 04:21 PM.
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Unread 11-27-2014, 04:18 PM   #1
TalkSick's Avatar
Estimated Skill in Audio: 3.98/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 3.98/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 3.98/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 3.98/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 3.98/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 3.98/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 3.98/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 3.98/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 3.98/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 3.98/10 stars
Basic Audio Record
15 Points / 3 Won / 4 Lost
Exclusive Audio Record
0 Points / Won / Lost

Estimated Skill in Text: 3.98/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 3.98/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 3.98/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 3.98/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 3.98/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 3.98/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 3.98/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 7.7/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 7.7/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 7.7/10 stars
Basic Text Record
3050 Points / 303 Won / 112 Lost
Exclusive Text Record
59 Points / 9 Won / 7 Lost
Join Date: Aug 2006
Voted: 0 audio / 1513 text
Posts: 2,275
Mentioned: 667 Post(s)
Tagged: 45 Thread(s)

Thumbs up Talksick Voting Thread.

Drop your links below and Il get to them as soon as possible.

Rule #1) Do not be offended by my bluntness.

Rule #2) If my vote doesn't go your way, for the love of God, save it! My votes are 100.

Rule #3) Always mention me in your post (@TalkSick) or i may miss it.

Rule #4) If you have a fake plant in your home, you must always pretend to water it or it WILL die.

Stay classy!
PunchLine AddiCt AND Metaphor' JuNkie

Last edited by TalkSick; 11-27-2014 at 04:21 PM.
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Unread 11-28-2014, 02:02 AM
Lockhart's Avatar
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Unread 11-28-2014, 02:02 AM   #2
Lockhart's Avatar
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Unread 11-28-2014, 02:06 AM
Kimber Red's Avatar
Kimber Red
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Estimated Skill in Text: 0/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 0/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 0/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 0/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 0/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 5.76/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 5.76/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 5.76/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 5.76/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 5.76/10 stars
Basic Text Record
20 Points / 12 Won / 23 Lost

"I was born great with fury in my eyes! God made me a CHAMPION!"

"The only way I will ever lose! Is if the decision is decided by fuckin faggots! Cause my opponent clearly sucked there dick off!"

"Nigga my shit cleaner then gods piss!"

"Red is a beast!..Yes I Am!"

"Fuck these nigga's, they can rimhole a retarded donkey!"

"She had the most biggest, roundest ass you would have ever seen. She was my Puerto Rican Princess!..And Thats how I became the most smoothest,coolest, baddest muthafuckin nigga on the face of this EARTH!..All niggas wanted to be me and all bitches wanted to be with me!..And them Honky Pigs!..They wanted to kill my black ass, them lil chalk face bitches!!!..Hahahhaa"..
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Unread 11-28-2014, 02:06 AM   #3
Kimber Red's Avatar
Kimber Red
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Estimated Skill in Text: 0/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 0/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 0/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 0/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 0/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 5.76/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 5.76/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 5.76/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 5.76/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 5.76/10 stars
Basic Text Record
20 Points / 12 Won / 23 Lost
Join Date: Nov 2014
Voted: 0 audio / 78 text
Posts: 254
Mentioned: 55 Post(s)
Tagged: 0 Thread(s)

"I was born great with fury in my eyes! God made me a CHAMPION!"

"The only way I will ever lose! Is if the decision is decided by fuckin faggots! Cause my opponent clearly sucked there dick off!"

"Nigga my shit cleaner then gods piss!"

"Red is a beast!..Yes I Am!"

"Fuck these nigga's, they can rimhole a retarded donkey!"

"She had the most biggest, roundest ass you would have ever seen. She was my Puerto Rican Princess!..And Thats how I became the most smoothest,coolest, baddest muthafuckin nigga on the face of this EARTH!..All niggas wanted to be me and all bitches wanted to be with me!..And them Honky Pigs!..They wanted to kill my black ass, them lil chalk face bitches!!!..Hahahhaa"..
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Unread 11-28-2014, 11:28 PM
Join Date: Aug 2012
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Tagged: 14 Thread(s)
Estimated Skill in Text: 0/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 0/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 0/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 0/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 0/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 0/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 6.22/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 6.22/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 6.22/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 6.22/10 stars
Basic Text Record
2114 Points / 275 Won / 147 Lost
Exclusive Text Record
21 Points / 6 Won / 7 Lost

vote plz @TalkSick
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Unread 11-28-2014, 11:28 PM   #4
Estimated Skill in Text: 0/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 0/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 0/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 0/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 0/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 0/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 6.22/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 6.22/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 6.22/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 6.22/10 stars
Basic Text Record
2114 Points / 275 Won / 147 Lost
Exclusive Text Record
21 Points / 6 Won / 7 Lost
Join Date: Aug 2012
Voted: 51 audio / 946 text
Posts: 1,062
Mentioned: 554 Post(s)
Tagged: 14 Thread(s)


vote plz @TalkSick
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Unread 11-29-2014, 04:04 PM
Kimber Red's Avatar
Kimber Red
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Basic Text Record
20 Points / 12 Won / 23 Lost

"I was born great with fury in my eyes! God made me a CHAMPION!"

"The only way I will ever lose! Is if the decision is decided by fuckin faggots! Cause my opponent clearly sucked there dick off!"

"Nigga my shit cleaner then gods piss!"

"Red is a beast!..Yes I Am!"

"Fuck these nigga's, they can rimhole a retarded donkey!"

"She had the most biggest, roundest ass you would have ever seen. She was my Puerto Rican Princess!..And Thats how I became the most smoothest,coolest, baddest muthafuckin nigga on the face of this EARTH!..All niggas wanted to be me and all bitches wanted to be with me!..And them Honky Pigs!..They wanted to kill my black ass, them lil chalk face bitches!!!..Hahahhaa"..
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Unread 11-29-2014, 04:04 PM   #5
Kimber Red's Avatar
Kimber Red
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Estimated Skill in Text: 0/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 0/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 0/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 0/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 0/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 5.76/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 5.76/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 5.76/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 5.76/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 5.76/10 stars
Basic Text Record
20 Points / 12 Won / 23 Lost
Join Date: Nov 2014
Voted: 0 audio / 78 text
Posts: 254
Mentioned: 55 Post(s)
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Unread 11-29-2014, 06:40 PM
TalkSick's Avatar
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Estimated Skill in Audio: 3.98/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 3.98/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 3.98/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 3.98/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 3.98/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 3.98/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 3.98/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 3.98/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 3.98/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 3.98/10 stars
Basic Audio Record
15 Points / 3 Won / 4 Lost
Exclusive Audio Record
0 Points / Won / Lost

Estimated Skill in Text: 3.98/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 3.98/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 3.98/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 3.98/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 3.98/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 3.98/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 3.98/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 7.7/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 7.7/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 7.7/10 stars
Basic Text Record
3050 Points / 303 Won / 112 Lost
Exclusive Text Record
59 Points / 9 Won / 7 Lost

@FOG No Audios. Only Text.

And try to limit the battles you feed me to one's that are striving for votes please.
PunchLine AddiCt AND Metaphor' JuNkie

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Unread 11-29-2014, 06:40 PM   #6
TalkSick's Avatar
Estimated Skill in Audio: 3.98/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 3.98/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 3.98/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 3.98/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 3.98/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 3.98/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 3.98/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 3.98/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 3.98/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 3.98/10 stars
Basic Audio Record
15 Points / 3 Won / 4 Lost
Exclusive Audio Record
0 Points / Won / Lost

Estimated Skill in Text: 3.98/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 3.98/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 3.98/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 3.98/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 3.98/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 3.98/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 3.98/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 7.7/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 7.7/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 7.7/10 stars
Basic Text Record
3050 Points / 303 Won / 112 Lost
Exclusive Text Record
59 Points / 9 Won / 7 Lost
Join Date: Aug 2006
Voted: 0 audio / 1513 text
Posts: 2,275
Mentioned: 667 Post(s)
Tagged: 45 Thread(s)


@FOG No Audios. Only Text.

And try to limit the battles you feed me to one's that are striving for votes please.
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Unread 11-30-2014, 07:56 PM
Dean's Avatar
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I had a typo. Please read the comments before you vote.
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Unread 11-30-2014, 07:56 PM   #7
Dean's Avatar
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I had a typo. Please read the comments before you vote.
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Unread 12-01-2014, 03:44 AM
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Basic Text Record
-2 Points / 1 Won / 5 Lost

@Talk Sick
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Unread 12-01-2014, 03:44 AM   #8
PapaGlock's Avatar
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Estimated Skill in Text: 0/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 0/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 0/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 0/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 0/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 5.46/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 5.46/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 5.46/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 5.46/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 5.46/10 stars
Basic Text Record
-2 Points / 1 Won / 5 Lost
Join Date: Nov 2014
Voted: 0 audio / 8 text
Posts: 6
Mentioned: 1 Post(s)
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@Talk Sick
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Unread 12-01-2014, 02:39 PM
Kimber Red's Avatar
Kimber Red
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Basic Text Record
20 Points / 12 Won / 23 Lost
"I was born great with fury in my eyes! God made me a CHAMPION!"

"The only way I will ever lose! Is if the decision is decided by fuckin faggots! Cause my opponent clearly sucked there dick off!"

"Nigga my shit cleaner then gods piss!"

"Red is a beast!..Yes I Am!"

"Fuck these nigga's, they can rimhole a retarded donkey!"

"She had the most biggest, roundest ass you would have ever seen. She was my Puerto Rican Princess!..And Thats how I became the most smoothest,coolest, baddest muthafuckin nigga on the face of this EARTH!..All niggas wanted to be me and all bitches wanted to be with me!..And them Honky Pigs!..They wanted to kill my black ass, them lil chalk face bitches!!!..Hahahhaa"..
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Unread 12-01-2014, 02:39 PM   #9
Kimber Red's Avatar
Kimber Red
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Estimated Skill in Text: 0/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 0/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 0/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 0/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 0/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 5.76/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 5.76/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 5.76/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 5.76/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 5.76/10 stars
Basic Text Record
20 Points / 12 Won / 23 Lost
Join Date: Nov 2014
Voted: 0 audio / 78 text
Posts: 254
Mentioned: 55 Post(s)
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Unread 12-11-2014, 05:09 AM
MadVerbs's Avatar
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Estimated Skill in Audio: 6.35/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 6.35/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 6.35/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 6.35/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 6.35/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 6.35/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 6.35/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 6.35/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 6.35/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 6.35/10 stars
Basic Audio Record
11 Points / 1 Won / 1 Lost
Exclusive Audio Record
0 Points / Won / Lost

Estimated Skill in Text: 6.35/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 6.35/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 6.35/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 6.35/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 6.35/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 6.35/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 6.35/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 7.25/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 7.25/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 7.25/10 stars
Basic Text Record
1609 Points / 202 Won / 109 Lost
Exclusive Text Record
16 Points / 1 Won / 0 Lost

''I'm an artist, I paint pictures, I don't rhyme words'' -Joe Budden
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Unread 12-11-2014, 05:09 AM   #10
MadVerbs's Avatar
Estimated Skill in Audio: 6.35/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 6.35/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 6.35/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 6.35/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 6.35/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 6.35/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 6.35/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 6.35/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 6.35/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 6.35/10 stars
Basic Audio Record
11 Points / 1 Won / 1 Lost
Exclusive Audio Record
0 Points / Won / Lost

Estimated Skill in Text: 6.35/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 6.35/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 6.35/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 6.35/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 6.35/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 6.35/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 6.35/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 7.25/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 7.25/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 7.25/10 stars
Basic Text Record
1609 Points / 202 Won / 109 Lost
Exclusive Text Record
16 Points / 1 Won / 0 Lost
Join Date: Feb 2010
Voted: 44 audio / 591 text
Posts: 1,871
Mentioned: 553 Post(s)
Tagged: 29 Thread(s)


''I'm an artist, I paint pictures, I don't rhyme words'' -Joe Budden
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