if so then why do i have 3 mods jumping in my discussion running theyre fuckin mouths threating to ban me over BEEF? @
Murderous Swag ur an Audio MOD ....MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS!
BAN ME FOR WHAT? BEEF ....lmao maybe we should call the website LETSDRINKTEAANDEAT COOKIES.com..LMAO
3 of you DPS members are getting involved in shit that doesnt concern you...
how are you going to call a comment a Sway when its the TRUTH? this site is getting FUCKIN RETARED! his multis were broken thats all i said if your a MOD and can seeTHAT then why not delete his fucking votes instead you delete my comments .....cause Yall DICK RIDING! PLAIN AND SIMPLE
@Efficiency ....i proved my point ...all of your battles are recent cause for 3 days youve done nothing but drop pre writtens PUSSY and you said you were on your multi account , for what? BULLSHIT! thats why you wont send it we can go 16 just to prove ur a waste! You Block Me TAKE MY BATTLE then say GOOD LUCK! if thats not a SWAY i dont know what is! ur a faggot MODS ARE FAGGOTS ....a bunch of fuckin MONKEYS