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Pseudo Nim vs Starwalker
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PeaceandLaug... vs BnasBnas is on FIRE! 10+ wins in a row!Bnas is on FIRE! 10+ wins in a row!
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KDOTCARTER vs PeaceandLaug...
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FightsAndRap... vs PeaceandLaug...
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KDOTCARTER vs Mizz AmmoMizz Ammo is on FIRE! 10+ wins in a row!Mizz Ammo is on FIRE! 10+ wins in a row!
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Occam vs FightsAndRap...
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PeaceandLaug... vs BnasBnas is on FIRE! 10+ wins in a row!Bnas is on FIRE! 10+ wins in a row!
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1mp4l3d vs mister jon f...
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PeaceandLaug... vs BnasBnas is on FIRE! 10+ wins in a row!Bnas is on FIRE! 10+ wins in a row!
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KDOTCARTER vs PeaceandLaug...
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KDOTCARTER vs PeaceandLaug...
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KDOTCARTER vs PeaceandLaug...
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Unread 01-06-2012, 01:06 AM
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Default Everything repeats itself theory

Time to drop a little knowledge for ya'll....

You heard the expressions "History repeats itself" or "What goes around comes around"..

it's true. Hip-Hop started off as lyricism, went to dancing and almost became pop-music like...but the lyricism will return.

it's called a cipher. a 360 degree rotation. The earth is spinning right now and there's a certain pattern/alignment in the sky right now pertaining to this moment. the same pattern and rotation might not occur for another 1,000 years. or it could occur 5 years from now. who knows...but when it does, the universal math kicks in and whatever was supposed to happen on "x amount of spins" x "this precise pattern in the sky" happens. So it can happen over and over again.

5,000 rotations @ x alignment = "n" event

5,000 rotations representing how many times the Earth needs to spin. "x alignment" representing a pattern in the sky that creates what we perceive to be our earthly reality.."n" representing a major event that will occur on that day. maybe at a certain alignment there was an earthquake in Mexico. when that same alignment is reached 500 years later, there will be another earthquake, but this time not necessarily in mexico. It's still the same event, but since the earth is spinning its in a different geographic location

Think of drawing a smiley face on a ball. It's round (like the earth) so it will come back around. You spin the ball once and you see the smiley face again. It's not a different smiley face, you know this because you drew 1 smiley face on the ball and you spun it.

You spin the ball and stop it with a finger. This finger can be above the smiley face, under it or next to it. The smiley face is still there but your finger ends up in a different location everytime you stop the ball.

You can spin the ball 500 times. you didn't see 500 different smiley faces. You saw the same smiley face 500 times & you're aware you did because you created it.

now us humans are the smiley face on the ball and the hand of the divine is spinning us on their finger...only we're under the illusion that time is linear and thing's happen once because we can't see the hand controlling us. time = man made.

A toast to a higher self....

Last edited by Godbody; 01-06-2012 at 01:46 AM.
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Unread 01-06-2012, 01:06 AM   #1
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Default Everything repeats itself theory

Time to drop a little knowledge for ya'll....

You heard the expressions "History repeats itself" or "What goes around comes around"..

it's true. Hip-Hop started off as lyricism, went to dancing and almost became pop-music like...but the lyricism will return.

it's called a cipher. a 360 degree rotation. The earth is spinning right now and there's a certain pattern/alignment in the sky right now pertaining to this moment. the same pattern and rotation might not occur for another 1,000 years. or it could occur 5 years from now. who knows...but when it does, the universal math kicks in and whatever was supposed to happen on "x amount of spins" x "this precise pattern in the sky" happens. So it can happen over and over again.

5,000 rotations @ x alignment = "n" event

5,000 rotations representing how many times the Earth needs to spin. "x alignment" representing a pattern in the sky that creates what we perceive to be our earthly reality.."n" representing a major event that will occur on that day. maybe at a certain alignment there was an earthquake in Mexico. when that same alignment is reached 500 years later, there will be another earthquake, but this time not necessarily in mexico. It's still the same event, but since the earth is spinning its in a different geographic location

Think of drawing a smiley face on a ball. It's round (like the earth) so it will come back around. You spin the ball once and you see the smiley face again. It's not a different smiley face, you know this because you drew 1 smiley face on the ball and you spun it.

You spin the ball and stop it with a finger. This finger can be above the smiley face, under it or next to it. The smiley face is still there but your finger ends up in a different location everytime you stop the ball.

You can spin the ball 500 times. you didn't see 500 different smiley faces. You saw the same smiley face 500 times & you're aware you did because you created it.

now us humans are the smiley face on the ball and the hand of the divine is spinning us on their finger...only we're under the illusion that time is linear and thing's happen once because we can't see the hand controlling us. time = man made.

A toast to a higher self....

Last edited by Godbody; 01-06-2012 at 01:46 AM.
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Unread 01-06-2012, 01:32 AM
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i agree with it 89%.. not everything in the world but the things you stated mostly are true and will come back.. just a moment of time bro.. cant wait for the good stuff

"Draw to your hearts desire
and keep it
(DJ Denton)

Originally Posted by Dave View Post

Originally Posted by Punk The God View Post
ahh.. yea your a good fucker..
My Gallery

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Unread 01-06-2012, 01:32 AM   #2
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i agree with it 89%.. not everything in the world but the things you stated mostly are true and will come back.. just a moment of time bro.. cant wait for the good stuff

"Draw to your hearts desire
and keep it
(DJ Denton)

Originally Posted by Dave View Post

Originally Posted by Punk The God View Post
ahh.. yea your a good fucker..
My Gallery

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Unread 01-06-2012, 01:36 AM
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I love to debate, but I'll leave this at "theory" and not stir up the thread. Creative high thought though.
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Unread 01-06-2012, 01:36 AM   #3
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I love to debate, but I'll leave this at "theory" and not stir up the thread. Creative high thought though.
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Unread 01-06-2012, 01:39 AM
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To be honest its not even me being high...I'm sippin on some Dominican bottle of Brugal..not drunk, feelin nice...

Just know there's something called "Universal Laws" that apply to your everyday life and when you understand the universal laws life turns great
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Unread 01-06-2012, 01:39 AM   #4
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To be honest its not even me being high...I'm sippin on some Dominican bottle of Brugal..not drunk, feelin nice...

Just know there's something called "Universal Laws" that apply to your everyday life and when you understand the universal laws life turns great
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Unread 01-06-2012, 02:28 AM
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nice theory lol but i like to debate... sooooo ima try to lol... if that was the case... what started the first event happening?? cause your theory is stating that an event had to have happened before in order for it to happen again... so how would the first event be created if it's a repeat of past events?? and if it's like "drawing the face on the ball" how do we know that wasn't a repeat of a past event? the origin of the event is yet to be explained thus making the theory hard to believe.
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Unread 01-06-2012, 02:28 AM   #5
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nice theory lol but i like to debate... sooooo ima try to lol... if that was the case... what started the first event happening?? cause your theory is stating that an event had to have happened before in order for it to happen again... so how would the first event be created if it's a repeat of past events?? and if it's like "drawing the face on the ball" how do we know that wasn't a repeat of a past event? the origin of the event is yet to be explained thus making the theory hard to believe.
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Unread 01-06-2012, 02:32 AM
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It's simple. The earth went through a cycle. I'm talking way back around the dinosaur age, etc etc etc w/e was before that.

Once it completes a cycle (which could be 5 billion years for all we know) another cycle will begin.

The events that occur in space (alignments and whatnot) determine events that occur on earth

It's really just a game and we're on this planet because we chose to be or we're in punishment. It's spiritual growth that you're seeking on this planet but you gotta act w/ the Universal Laws

Last edited by Godbody; 01-06-2012 at 02:40 AM.
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Unread 01-06-2012, 02:32 AM   #6
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It's simple. The earth went through a cycle. I'm talking way back around the dinosaur age, etc etc etc w/e was before that.

Once it completes a cycle (which could be 5 billion years for all we know) another cycle will begin.

The events that occur in space (alignments and whatnot) determine events that occur on earth

It's really just a game and we're on this planet because we chose to be or we're in punishment. It's spiritual growth that you're seeking on this planet but you gotta act w/ the Universal Laws

Last edited by Godbody; 01-06-2012 at 02:40 AM.
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Unread 01-06-2012, 02:43 AM
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You sure that rum wasn't absinthe?
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Unread 01-06-2012, 02:43 AM   #7
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You sure that rum wasn't absinthe?
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Unread 01-06-2012, 02:52 AM
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Originally Posted by Phroxen View Post
You sure that rum wasn't absinthe?
lmao well he did a good job explaining it lol
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Unread 01-06-2012, 02:52 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by Phroxen View Post
You sure that rum wasn't absinthe?
lmao well he did a good job explaining it lol
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Unread 01-06-2012, 01:43 PM
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actually this theory is shared by other people too. I just put it in a way I thought would be the easiest to understand

the Five Percenters believe in ciphers as thats part of their Supreme Alphabet and it's the same concept
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Unread 01-06-2012, 01:43 PM   #9
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actually this theory is shared by other people too. I just put it in a way I thought would be the easiest to understand

the Five Percenters believe in ciphers as thats part of their Supreme Alphabet and it's the same concept
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Unread 01-06-2012, 01:50 PM
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so niggaz wanna 'be deep' on LB

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Unread 01-06-2012, 01:50 PM   #10
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so niggaz wanna 'be deep' on LB

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