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Pseudo Nim vs Starwalker
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Pseudo Nim vs Starwalker
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PeaceandLaug... vs BnasBnas is on FIRE! 10+ wins in a row!Bnas is on FIRE! 10+ wins in a row!
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1 Vote 4.75 stars4.75 stars4.75 stars4.75 stars4.75 stars
KDOTCARTER vs PeaceandLaug...
Style: Written
1 Vote 4.75 stars4.75 stars4.75 stars4.75 stars4.75 stars
FightsAndRap... vs PeaceandLaug...
Style: Freestyle
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KDOTCARTER vs Mizz AmmoMizz Ammo is on FIRE! 10+ wins in a row!Mizz Ammo is on FIRE! 10+ wins in a row!
Style: Freestyle
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Style: Written
2 Votes 2.625 stars2.625 stars2.625 stars2.625 stars2.625 stars
Style: Freestyle
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Occam vs FightsAndRap...
Style: Freestyle
2 Votes 3.125 stars3.125 stars3.125 stars3.125 stars3.125 stars
PeaceandLaug... vs BnasBnas is on FIRE! 10+ wins in a row!Bnas is on FIRE! 10+ wins in a row!
Style: Freestyle
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1mp4l3d vs mister jon f...
Style: Freestyle
1 Vote 1.25 stars1.25 stars1.25 stars1.25 stars1.25 stars
PeaceandLaug... vs BnasBnas is on FIRE! 10+ wins in a row!Bnas is on FIRE! 10+ wins in a row!
Style: Freestyle
2 Votes 2.875 stars2.875 stars2.875 stars2.875 stars2.875 stars
KDOTCARTER vs PeaceandLaug...
Style: Written
1 Vote 2.5 stars2.5 stars2.5 stars2.5 stars2.5 stars
KDOTCARTER vs PeaceandLaug...
Style: Written
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KDOTCARTER vs PeaceandLaug...
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Unread 07-16-2012, 02:06 PM
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in a text you think of the punchline first and then find a multi structure to suit it.....or the other way around......just curious
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Unread 07-16-2012, 02:06 PM   #1
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Default Question...

in a text you think of the punchline first and then find a multi structure to suit it.....or the other way around......just curious
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Unread 07-16-2012, 02:11 PM
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punchline first maybe some wordplay if im actually writing it too
Watch these rap niggaz get all up in your guts
French-vanilla, butter-pecan, chocolate-deluxe
Even caramel sundaes is gettin touched
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Unread 07-16-2012, 02:11 PM   #2
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punchline first maybe some wordplay if im actually writing it too
Watch these rap niggaz get all up in your guts
French-vanilla, butter-pecan, chocolate-deluxe
Even caramel sundaes is gettin touched
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Unread 07-16-2012, 02:15 PM
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Originally Posted by -Jibberish View Post
punchline first maybe some wordplay if im actually writing it too
'junkie in a park' the way we'll see TREADS IN THE PATH

your you thought of this first.. and then built a verse around it ryt??
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Unread 07-16-2012, 02:15 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by -Jibberish View Post
punchline first maybe some wordplay if im actually writing it too
'junkie in a park' the way we'll see TREADS IN THE PATH

your you thought of this first.. and then built a verse around it ryt??
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Unread 07-16-2012, 02:23 PM
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not really i wrote that verse in like a couple minutes

but your suppose to think of a punchline then multis and throw in some wordplay if u can
Watch these rap niggaz get all up in your guts
French-vanilla, butter-pecan, chocolate-deluxe
Even caramel sundaes is gettin touched
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Unread 07-16-2012, 02:23 PM   #4
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not really i wrote that verse in like a couple minutes

but your suppose to think of a punchline then multis and throw in some wordplay if u can
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Unread 07-16-2012, 02:26 PM
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Originally Posted by -Jibberish View Post
not really i wrote that verse in like a couple minutes

but your suppose to think of a punchline then multis and throw in some wordplay if u can
alryt i am on the right path then.....
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Unread 07-16-2012, 02:26 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by -Jibberish View Post
not really i wrote that verse in like a couple minutes

but your suppose to think of a punchline then multis and throw in some wordplay if u can
alryt i am on the right path then.....
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Unread 07-16-2012, 02:27 PM
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I got an audio style i use mutlies build up the punch an it's usually the last part of the line
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Unread 07-16-2012, 02:27 PM   #6
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I got an audio style i use mutlies build up the punch an it's usually the last part of the line
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Unread 07-16-2012, 02:27 PM
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I think of punchlines first, then think of related concepts to build lines around it. The multis will come while I'm thinking of the concepts, but if I'm focused on finding related multis, then that's exactly what my verse is going to sound like. When I'm focused on concepts, the punches/verse usually ends up stronger.
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Unread 07-16-2012, 02:27 PM   #7
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I think of punchlines first, then think of related concepts to build lines around it. The multis will come while I'm thinking of the concepts, but if I'm focused on finding related multis, then that's exactly what my verse is going to sound like. When I'm focused on concepts, the punches/verse usually ends up stronger.
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Unread 07-16-2012, 02:28 PM
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as far as how i think shit up thats usually the opposite usually think of the concept then flesh it out with multies
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Unread 07-16-2012, 02:28 PM   #8
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as far as how i think shit up thats usually the opposite usually think of the concept then flesh it out with multies
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Unread 07-16-2012, 02:32 PM
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so basically almost everyone use the same there someone who does it differently ??
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Unread 07-16-2012, 02:32 PM   #9
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so basically almost everyone use the same there someone who does it differently ??
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Unread 07-16-2012, 02:39 PM
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Quick Concept/Wordplay/Nameplay/Punch

"Stick E On Ya Tongue" while your in EXTASY WITH A FAGGOT


Then Build The Multi's and Connecting Concepts around it.

---------- Post added at 02:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:35 PM ----------

Wouldn't See anything "Tight N Around Fingaz" With CHINESE HANDCUFFS (tighten)

Then Just build..
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Unread 07-16-2012, 02:39 PM   #10
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Quick Concept/Wordplay/Nameplay/Punch

"Stick E On Ya Tongue" while your in EXTASY WITH A FAGGOT


Then Build The Multi's and Connecting Concepts around it.

---------- Post added at 02:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:35 PM ----------

Wouldn't See anything "Tight N Around Fingaz" With CHINESE HANDCUFFS (tighten)

Then Just build..
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