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Unread 11-10-2013, 02:23 PM
The Ghost of Freak's Avatar
The Ghost of Freak
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Default The Holocaust did happen you racist fuck.

First off, what the fuck. Second, thank you to @Jason and @Just C for closing that thread, and you may close this one too. Before you do, I need to put my word in:

Pulse/ @Godbody, you coming to LetsBeef with a Holocaust denying attitude is, in fact, racism (also edging on ban-worthy).

Gas chambers were never disproved, neither were the furnaces where they burned jews and others (blacks, gays, gypsies, etc).

I sat down with a relative when I was young who gave me her first hand account of being in Auschwitz, surviving and escaping during the death marches. A whole branch from my family tree was ruthlessly murdered.....

So, fuck you. Go read a book (Elie Wiesel's "Night" or Victor Frankl's "Man's Search for Meaning", ect.) or go actually visit those camps in Poland.

Just don't come on hear again speaking such offensive ignorant garbage. That would be like me creating a thread to deny the Middle Passage and slavery of African Americans... which I would never do, because that is clearly not the truth.

Try to show some respect.


Last edited by Free-K; 11-10-2013 at 02:29 PM.
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Unread 11-10-2013, 02:23 PM   #1
The Ghost of Freak's Avatar
The Ghost of Freak
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Default The Holocaust did happen you racist fuck.

First off, what the fuck. Second, thank you to @Jason and @Just C for closing that thread, and you may close this one too. Before you do, I need to put my word in:

Pulse/ @Godbody, you coming to LetsBeef with a Holocaust denying attitude is, in fact, racism (also edging on ban-worthy).

Gas chambers were never disproved, neither were the furnaces where they burned jews and others (blacks, gays, gypsies, etc).

I sat down with a relative when I was young who gave me her first hand account of being in Auschwitz, surviving and escaping during the death marches. A whole branch from my family tree was ruthlessly murdered.....

So, fuck you. Go read a book (Elie Wiesel's "Night" or Victor Frankl's "Man's Search for Meaning", ect.) or go actually visit those camps in Poland.

Just don't come on hear again speaking such offensive ignorant garbage. That would be like me creating a thread to deny the Middle Passage and slavery of African Americans... which I would never do, because that is clearly not the truth.

Try to show some respect.


Last edited by Free-K; 11-10-2013 at 02:29 PM.
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