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Unread 11-06-2013, 05:45 AM
-Apollyon-'s Avatar
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Grab the whopper wrapper, toast both halves of the sesame-seed bun, place the bottom bun directly on the outline on the wrapper, grab the top bun, add a dab of mayo, half of a handful of lettuce, 2 tomatos, spit.. Now add the patty to the bottom bun along with 3 pickles, hair, 3 circles of ketchup and about 3 or 4 slices of onions.. Now place the top bun onto the bottom one.. Make sure you grip it right so you dont drop anything.. Grab the corners of the wrapper opposite of the whopper and fold the wrapper over the whopper then grab the sides of the wrapper and fold them towards you once more then tuck the sides under the whopper and place the whopper in the box.. Fuck broiling the whopper..
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Unread 11-06-2013, 05:45 AM   #31
-Apollyon-'s Avatar
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175 Points / 13 Won / 1 Lost
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Grab the whopper wrapper, toast both halves of the sesame-seed bun, place the bottom bun directly on the outline on the wrapper, grab the top bun, add a dab of mayo, half of a handful of lettuce, 2 tomatos, spit.. Now add the patty to the bottom bun along with 3 pickles, hair, 3 circles of ketchup and about 3 or 4 slices of onions.. Now place the top bun onto the bottom one.. Make sure you grip it right so you dont drop anything.. Grab the corners of the wrapper opposite of the whopper and fold the wrapper over the whopper then grab the sides of the wrapper and fold them towards you once more then tuck the sides under the whopper and place the whopper in the box.. Fuck broiling the whopper..
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