I agree.. which may be shocking since Im a 'black guy' from the ghetto... who made it out on my own..
But I will rebuttal the "race is irrelevant" statement..
let's look at the US President... The BLACK US President..
When he announced he was running for president, the secret service had to start guarding him about six months before they normally start guarding presidential candidates, because of all the death threats he was receiving. So the question is why is that? What had he done that was so bad that they had to start guarding him that early? Did he murder somebody, rape somebody, rob a bank, commit an act of terrorism?
No he didn't
You had the so-called birthers attempting with all of their might to de-legitimize his presidency saying that he couldn’t be president because he wasn’t born in the United States. No matter how much data was examined or presented to show he was born in the United States, (birth certificate, announcement of his birth in two papers at the time) was not good enough for these people. It was all faked! The truth could only be what they fervently and bitterly believed the truth to be! They wouldn’t and probably still won’t accept anything less than what they believe to be true! Again, Why All This Drama Over Obama?
What do they have against President Obama? What has he done to engender that kind of hostile scrutiny from them?
Did Bill Clinton or George W. Bush have to prove they were born in the United States to be president?
No they didn't.
At many of the so-called town halls meeting, angry protestors carried caricatures of the president as Adolf Hitler as well as other offensive racial images of him to show what a horrible person they think he is! But what had President Obama done to make them view him as Hitler or as someone who was the same type of person as Hitler?
Hitler killed millions of people, what had President Obama done that could be equated to what Hitler had done?
Let me answer that; nothing!
Of course not everyone who doesn’t like the president is a racist. Some may have legitimate political differences with him. That’s oK. They can disagree with him and have a civil discourse about it without spewing hate and hostility.
Some people don’t know that their negative racial feelings are fueling their fear and hatred of President Obama and would be mortified to think that they harbored any such feelings.
But, psychologically, when someone automatically experiences intense hatred, dread or other such emotions about someone they don’t know, it’s usually a sign that they have underlying subconscious feeling they aren’t acknowledging.
It’s like a phobia, where someone reacts to a fly as if it’s a grizzly bear about to attack them! Their reaction is out of proportion to the danger they’re actually in.
The republicans, Rush Limbaugh and others' stated agenda was to stop President Obama from being successful. Not to try to make the country better, to help people or to try to create more jobs, but to stop Obama!
They don't give a damn about the country only about stopping Obama and they proved this by being against anything President Obama is for.
If they were for some proposal and Obama decided to adopt it, they would do an about face and reject a proposal that they previously supported because Obama was now for it!
Are these people really Americans?
Should they even call themselves Americans, if all they care about is stopping President Obama and be damn the country?
There's just something about a black man being president of a "white" country that just irks them.
The Republican Party is full of Racists... They make his job hard simply because he's black.. there is no other logical reason.
If he said the sky was blue, they would disagree... smh..