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Unread 07-16-2012, 03:50 PM
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Originally Posted by RhetoriKā„¢ View Post
if you wanna call it a breakdown. i don't think i do the same thing everyone else does though lol this was just a simplified expo.
well then how does your method differ from others?....just curious.......i mean isnt that what most of them said??

a good punch/concept.....then a good rhyming structure...multies ,wordplays, relevance and what not.....
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Unread 07-16-2012, 03:50 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by RhetoriKā„¢ View Post
if you wanna call it a breakdown. i don't think i do the same thing everyone else does though lol this was just a simplified expo.
well then how does your method differ from others?....just curious.......i mean isnt that what most of them said??

a good punch/concept.....then a good rhyming structure...multies ,wordplays, relevance and what not.....
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