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The Holocaust did happen you racist fuck.
First off, what the fuck. Second, thank you to @Jason and @Just C for closing that thread, and you may close this one too. Before you do, I need to put my word in:
Pulse/ @Godbody, you coming to LetsBeef with a Holocaust denying attitude is, in fact, racism (also edging on ban-worthy). Gas chambers were never disproved, neither were the furnaces where they burned jews and others (blacks, gays, gypsies, etc). I sat down with a relative when I was young who gave me her first hand account of being in Auschwitz, surviving and escaping during the death marches. A whole branch from my family tree was ruthlessly murdered..... So, fuck you. Go read a book (Elie Wiesel's "Night" or Victor Frankl's "Man's Search for Meaning", ect.) or go actually visit those camps in Poland. Just don't come on hear again speaking such offensive ignorant garbage. That would be like me creating a thread to deny the Middle Passage and slavery of African Americans... which I would never do, because that is clearly not the truth. Try to show some respect. - FREAK |
not even the Germans deny the Holocaust
infact, the make it mandatory for people in certain political positions to attend a concentration camp each year. For certain politicians its actually FOUR times a year. They have to get a card stamped and approved by the government if they want to continue in office. They do it because they dont ever want to forget history and what happened during that time. dont be upset bout' pulse .. he really doesnt have a clue about anything Germany is a cool place, they have markings on historical buildings but it doesnt say WHY they're marked because it encourages people to go do research on their own so they actually remember what they find out. As opposed to just reading a thing on the wall about it and walking away and forgetting. |
The idea that the Holocaust was made up as a premise for war with Germany is one of the most ridiculous things I have ever heard. The fact that Germany was invading Poland and neighbouring countries and plotting to take over Europe wasn't enough...they had to make up a Holocaust story to find a reason to go to war with them? Smfh.
Pulse makes me want to say the N word sometimes
---------- Post added at 07:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:09 PM ---------- And by N word I mean negative asshat ---------- Post added at 07:12 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:11 PM ---------- And by N word I mean negative asshat |
@Jason , I apologize for my strong reaction, but there are few things that hit close to home and that is one of them for me.
My relative I referred to actually got on Schindler's list and gave up her spot for a chunk of diamond, so that she could more importantly be with her little sister. The two of them were able to flee into a barn when the Germans started death marching prisoners back towards Germany from Poland. As the story goes, the Polish farmers were Nazi sympathizers, but were afraid of the approaching Russian front and therefore didn't give up the location of these two Jewish girls. On the other hand, my relative still believed the farmer's wife stole her diamond, because she never saw it after the Russian's came. I guess growing up with all the first hand stories, everything from spoken to recorded writings and on film, makes me feel very strongly. Also, one day in my crazy adolescent years (maybe even in College) when I was raging about inner hatred and my own Judaism, I antagonistically asked my Mom why she was so self-victimizing as a Jew. Her response was something like, "because I'm still afraid of being negatively identified, lined up against a wall and shot." Those words from my mother's mouth left an imprint. Now, I just don't stand for historic revisionism of such a traumatic event (or any other for that matter). I do agree that it is good the Germans have definitely made strives to overcome their violent recent past through historic education. -FREAK- |
Shoutout to the germans
Well, somebody needs a history book yo
Speaking my mind in a public forum is racist and ban worthy? At least I'm contributing content that gets kids like you riled up & into the discussion. That's the point of a public forum. For people to come together and share their opinions. For someone to clear up a question another person has, or to contribute to an argument, or to debunk one.
I'm part German myself, and Steven Spielberg made some bullshit propaganda movie called "The Last Days" where he gets soldiers and Holocaust 'survivors' to tell their story of what happened. & Guess what? A lot of those people were exposed for being liars. You'll see people getting interviewed to audition for the movie & they change their story for the movie for dramatic purposes. There's this one black soldier that said his negro unit liberated a camp and they saw some incredibly crazy shit. The funny shit is..documents & records show that the dude was nowhere near the camp he supposedly liberated Every war has a premise and not every premise is true. & While not every premise is a lie, that doesn't mean someone won't stretch the truth to accomplish a specific goal. How come there's jews giving their video taped account of what happened, saying they were treated fairly? Saying they were given meals, eating well, playing instruments? a WORK camp =/= DEATH camp. The premise for the war was that Hitler was EXTERMINATING jews. Nah, Hitler didn't do anything differently than the American forefathers by slaving people and killing them when they were too emaciated to continue. If that's the case we should go back in history to the U.S. indentured servitude and slavery and rename that shit the "Black Holocaust". U.S. slaves were treated way more unfairly, thrown in boats by hundreds, if not thousands. Shitting and pissing all over each other, dying on top of each other...In the ocean for God knows how many days, weeks, or months. Some were even throw overboard for shits and giggles. Let's not be an overly sensitive bitch about shit you weren't even alive for. All we can do is try to understand what happened and try to find the truth, rather than gravitating to the story that EVERYONE is told about history. History is written by the winners, never forget this. & by the way @NOBLE , the U.S. had no reason to interfere with what Germany was doing. That's European business. The Europeans were more than capable of dealing with Germany. And in one of Hitler's famous speeches, he addresses the fact that all the European nations were willing to resolve the conflict peacefully while the U.S. president at the time (Roosevelt) was hell bent on war. Of course the Holocaust wouldn't have been the only premise, but why does the U.S. act as the World Police? The U.S. loves fixing the problems of the world without fixing its own problems. Its why we're fucked now. |
Germany openly embraces the tragedy of the Holocaust which does nothing but bring shame to their country and pulse sittin over here talkin bout "it never happened" lmaooo
i guess Germany takes responsibility for trying to exterminate entire races just for fun lmfao. |
Wow man. Just, wow. ---------- Post added at 10:10 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:09 PM ---------- Quote:
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