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Leroy Brown 05-27-2014 05:53 PM

this battle isn't happening, but I'm in

05-27-2014 06:16 PM

@UhMAZING Has he given word on if he's off the card or not?

@Leroy Brown If you would like another opponent, I'm sure we could get you another one.

God Bless.

Leroy Brown 05-27-2014 07:50 PM

@Lockhart we'll wait n see if he checks in

05-27-2014 07:52 PM

Alright fam. @Leroy Brown Give him two more days, and if he doesn't check in by then, you can ask for another opponent. We don't want to see you exclusively battling on Rap Battle Forums :D

God Bless.

UhMAZING 05-28-2014 03:59 PM

I'm not sure @Lockhart, but I was told he was off the card and was asked if I could fill in for him..

05-28-2014 05:21 PM

Alright. Dope.

ELOH STACKz 05-28-2014 08:32 PM

Checking in... I create #MURDA scenes :guns:

Student 05-28-2014 08:44 PM

Fucking Love That @V3numb Didn't Set This Up, That Lazy Bastid Isn't Doing Shit.

05-28-2014 08:47 PM

@ELOH_STACKz I'm sorry, but I've got to make a cold case out of your friend. Put him out of his misery. It was the best thing for him.

God Bless.

ELOH STACKz 05-28-2014 08:56 PM

Lol, I dunnnnnnoooo @Lockhart... My dude @FAME gets busy

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