Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5
Thanks for the hate vote.
Hey, I saw you gave me a vote v. BarzILLA, 1-10...
Logically, I did throw punches back at him, so I don't think I'm deservant of a 1? I mean, was my verse that far off that you couldn't at least give me a logical vote...perhaps a 6, maybe a 7? A 1-10 vote is utter BS. Learn to vote.
You haven't even won a battle? Stay off my battles until you can actually win some fuckhead.
Hey dude just seen your latest battle and thought i'd offer some advice you want to capitalise your rhymes eg DIE/FLY etc so the readers can find it easier to understand also you want to go a bit more complex like in your surf/snurf line you could have said something like " im RIDING THE SURF been VIOLENT SINCE BIRTH im gonna kill this little 'blue chump' so he'll DIE LIKE A SMURF!
Thats multisylable rhymes they aren't perfect but they are close enough (violent/riding)
Just a few tips. Shout me back if you want some more advice or send and 8 to see how I would battle you.