1) Im not sending any bars to waste on your whack ass 2) You don't have any battles out. So talk all you want. I'm not trying to prove anything. But I'm sayin watch yourself, cuz 3N will come hard.
Dawg you whack as fuck. You ain't gon body no one. I swear to you I could beat you with my eyes closed. I could bang on my keyboard randomly and come with more relevant shit than you.
I don't blame him. I saw the battle. You got potential no lie but ain't nothin to waste bars on. I'm not gonna go into detail but nigga you need to cool it.
The Lord knows that age doesn't mean how much of a man you are ( I mean there's you for example ) so I seem to be the more mature one here. Haha just wait buddy, you'll see what I have.
Ha I am 17 years old so I have hit puberty. You should respect the fact that I am even giving you a chance against seeing as how you have a record of nothing and I am 25-7.
Who on Earth do you think you are? You definitely have a lot to prove and you not sending 8 when you think I suck, is proof that you are not very good at all.
No offense dog but if you spell like a complete retard, which you obviously do, you have no right to judge how good or bad my bars are. Send 8 if you really think I suck so badly, or you can quiet down like children should.