bro my original comments were not disrespectful, if i vote against or for someone i feel inclined to say why..and if ur just having fun i think u could have came at me a little more ligh heartedly than calling me a fag, and to shut my mouth..u cant freak out when i explain my vote than try to say oh its just a hobby, like im the one taking it to seriously..look at ur battles, ive voted for u 4 times bro, i never hate vote
first if u try at somethin since u were 12 and aint done shit but be in a virtual gang, quit bitch...i am just confused on what the a hell this site is for, your verse had not one line pertaining to your opponent, what he said, nothing unique to that "battle" it was a generic 16,u may not have wrote that as a verse, but c mon any rapper has 100's of go to lines, the point of a battle is to attack a topic, a person, a verse, something that makes it a fuckin battle u little brat