"Steven Lamont Stembridge Jr, also known by his stage name Cap Stylez Rap Wild, or Cap Stylez for short, was born November 8th 1993 in Wayne's County, North Carolina. His father was in the military, so he was constantly moving around the world when he was a child. He was raised with his mother in Alexandria, Louisiana. He moved to Oxon Hill, Maryland when he was 12 years old.
Ever since he was 12, Cap Stylez has been a rapper. At the age of 17, he has had two singles played on Streetz106.com's Radio Show and 106.5 FM in Newark, New Jersey. One single, "All I Do Is Rap", was chosen to bne featured on Time2Grind Vol. 2, hosted by Dj Kay Slay.
The thing that makes him unique is that he's a multisyllabic rapper with switching rhyme scheme and rapping abilities, including rapping at extreme speeds, freestyling, and continuous rhyming. He's currently in DramaGang, along with close friends Kidd Tokyo and Astro, founded by Rai L. He's constantly improving, thanks to his DramaGang family. Cap tends to put emot |