Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4
11-26-2011 01:11 AM
Team we have a crew tournie in 8 day's. I want no not want i need to see elevation. Pull it out of your asses & get to the level of the top ten in this site. My recommendations. Go really hard two days strate then take a day or two break. Yall havent seen me post in a min. Watch i already hit the top ten level. Trust n believe. I dont want to see broken multies. That works in ny beats/ shit does not apply here. Perfection.. Cuz right now ny beats we gettin killed. Y arent we in the yop ten yet. Stop postin open fucking battles. In 5 days i want every1 to message me there illestwork.i need to see improvements. If i dont. I'mma fuckin tell u. And dont message me askin questions. When u send the verse i'll get everything out then
hey come bak to tinychat/in crowd elite room
hers how u post a picture and make it show in your box.
1. go to settings, 2. edit avatar, 3. option 2
put that picture up asap
i'll make u captain of our crew.