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yo ya shits not bad homie.....HA! you fuckin suck..I'd Love To Give Those Weak Bars An Ass Whoopin...Send 8 Pussy!!
ricky dene is such a classick name...
Second of all you need to come to the realization that in a TEXT BATTLE, flow is not the most important thing. That doesn't mean totally disregard it BUT it is not the main focus of the battle. Main things: Concepts, Multisyllabics, and Punches. Make sure all the the lines are directed at your opponent. Never start talking about yourself unless it is directly (maybe indirectly) going to loop around and hit your opponent.
To be honest my dude, capping your rhymes actually makes it easier to understand the rhyme scheme. Standard battle structure is capping multies and quoting words that apply to the punch line and quoting wordplay ( either quoting wordplay or putting a dash or parantheses to reiterate the actual word your playing off of.) If you look at any vets verse that's how it's written and accepting that will make it easier to get votes. Tbh the reason why you're losing our battle is because you Had no real concepts, multies. OR punches. Yours was mostly cypher structured. There's a section for that. Hope this helps. If you need any help just holla @ me.
You've done NOTHING on this site, no room to talk.
04-15-2012 04:36 PM
Send me private battlee!!!!!!
RT no Hate, but should u choose... send 8.