Im just a ronin wondering through this land of unworthy opponents/ you get,,-burned and turned into an example with the shit im holdin/a billion tiny ants running all through the collony/a bunch of little wanna-be;fire bred ballin bee's/buzzin with there make shift,-paperlift,flapjacks/no wonder you talk so much shit with a mouth for an ass crack-i flash back-to way before i ever had to worrie,or wonder,,which puppet dumb shit would take me under/now its all just a blur/and all feels like hurt,-/and most of you punks look like you deserve 2 get merced/but i dont,,-and i wont,,-but i will, if i have to/you push pass that limit,-no gimmick a mask will grab you/im just tryin to stablize while my life unravels,-and walk in the ways of light livin in this babble/a puzzle full of money-hustle-women and trouble,-followed by "i love you's",- that are followed by the "fuck you's",- so ill follow and hunt you--on the strengh of my fam/and fuck the strength of your hand;were all made of sand;-thats why i dont pray 2 man |