MC Jayshay's Emcee |
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User Information |
Profile Views: 140
Total Posts: 1 (0.00 posts per day)
MC Jayshay's Interests |
General: |
Mi hobbies are obv Mcin, Boxin, Kickboxin, parkour, beatboxin nd avin a laff lol. |
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MC Jayshay's Ranking Information |
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About MC Jayshay |
Ay up gangsta's, mi names Jayshay nd im from Stockport, sowf Manchesta.
I only rli jus started emceein bowt 3 munfs ago, i dno ow gd i am so vote on mi battles nd u decide weva im shit or not. If ders eny1 from Stockport on ere giv us an email ye. Safe |
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