Faggot kept talkin 'Grizzly' An I could not longer 'BARE' HOLLERS so they gon see where all this Growlin like BEARS GOT 'EM/ A bunch a "boo-boos" an his head TEARED OFF-AN 'Hats off' how I left "Yogi" nothin but "BEAR/BARE COLLAR"!!!!!/ An ion CARE EITHER bout 'DOSE TEETH DIS HO LOST.. send 'em "back to his corner" jaw "wired" like PO-LICE w/ CO-OPS!!!!!/ Fuck it the SHOWS OFF! it's off w/ da GLOVES COWARDS time to represent the 'projects' full've dem 'ROUGH HOUSERS'/ Im that New Goliath!
your Raps aint gotta 'sling-Shot' to Touch Vowels.. I'll show ya'll 'David' an all his 'Seeds' were merely "SUNFLOWERS"....