Lets Beef Member: Uniplural -

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  2020 Audio Spring Throwdown
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Pseudo Nim vs Starwalker
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Pseudo Nim vs Starwalker
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PeaceandLaug... vs BnasBnas is on FIRE! 10+ wins in a row!Bnas is on FIRE! 10+ wins in a row!
Style: Freestyle
1 Vote 4.75 stars4.75 stars4.75 stars4.75 stars4.75 stars
KDOTCARTER vs PeaceandLaug...
Style: Written
1 Vote 4.75 stars4.75 stars4.75 stars4.75 stars4.75 stars
FightsAndRap... vs PeaceandLaug...
Style: Freestyle
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KDOTCARTER vs Mizz AmmoMizz Ammo is on FIRE! 10+ wins in a row!Mizz Ammo is on FIRE! 10+ wins in a row!
Style: Freestyle
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Style: Written
2 Votes 2.625 stars2.625 stars2.625 stars2.625 stars2.625 stars
Style: Freestyle
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Occam vs FightsAndRap...
Style: Freestyle
2 Votes 3.125 stars3.125 stars3.125 stars3.125 stars3.125 stars
PeaceandLaug... vs BnasBnas is on FIRE! 10+ wins in a row!Bnas is on FIRE! 10+ wins in a row!
Style: Freestyle
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1mp4l3d vs mister jon f...
Style: Freestyle
1 Vote 1.25 stars1.25 stars1.25 stars1.25 stars1.25 stars
PeaceandLaug... vs BnasBnas is on FIRE! 10+ wins in a row!Bnas is on FIRE! 10+ wins in a row!
Style: Freestyle
2 Votes 2.875 stars2.875 stars2.875 stars2.875 stars2.875 stars
KDOTCARTER vs PeaceandLaug...
Style: Written
1 Vote 2.5 stars2.5 stars2.5 stars2.5 stars2.5 stars
KDOTCARTER vs PeaceandLaug...
Style: Written
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KDOTCARTER vs PeaceandLaug...
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Saxx vs Uniplural
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Uniplural vs Orochi
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Uniplural vs Orochi
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Uniplural vs
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Uniplural vs
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Uniplural vs Kazumi
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Uniplural's Latest Text Cyphers (Solo Drops)
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Mysterious Disturbance
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Phenomenal Aesthetics
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The Act Of Observation
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Opinion, Fundamental
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Entertainment, Inelegant
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Profile Views: 3,138
Total Posts: 1 (0.00 posts per day)

Uniplural's Interests
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Thoughts, words, actions

Sex: Male
Last Online: 05-25-2020 01:44 PM Offline

Uniplural's Ranking Information
Basic League
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Ranked #2422 All Time
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Points: 119 (42%)
36 Won / 50 Lost

Exclusive League
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Uniplural's Advanced Text Skills
Wordplay: 65/100
Vocabulary: 66/100
Metaphores: 63/100
Punchlines: 63/100
Multis: 75/100

Uniplural's Track Library

About Uniplural
Ostentatious focus. Conversation, coded. Combinations, hoaxes. Scoffing sentience, motive. Domination boasted. Provocation goaded. Condemnation coaxes. Confrontation motions. Observation, open. Postulation poses. Contemplation's notice. Conscious, brazen omen. Connotation, sullen. Correlations, bogus. Obligation closes. Concentration's broken. Complication boded. Consolation, scolded. Culmination, hopeless. Confirmation, woken. Operation, loaded. Moderation, chosen. Proclamation, potent. Congregation, Moses. God then graces token. Nomination, noble. Consecration, noted. Consummation, molded. Cultivation, sown in. Formulation knows it. Compensation, golden. Ordination coaches. Thoughtful nature, notions. Fondness, favor, spoken. Father, neighbors, oceans. Loss and hatred folded.

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 40 of 181
  1. Uniplural
    04-20-2016 03:52 PM
    Fresh start to hypocrisy, as death parts what's obvious to see. Flesh, heart - all of our deeds direct guard, as audience perceives. Project farce, and property seems to connect course with consciousness' greed. Next, sharp are shoplifting thieves of set's Morse. Watch them deceive. Net's short, stopping when scene attends poor, adulterous theme. Ten's for a prophecy's dream to impress on God's human beings. Perfect order in logic, and free. Rest forms in copying peace. Address Whore Of Babylon's keep, and dress for conquering eve. Test war. Obstacles, demons. Contend more. Monitor feelings, lest scars mark your conceit. Stretched far is Yahweh's seed. Beget farm, and harvest the wheat for bread. Sure, odds are there's yeast and leaven, but lord's already waved sheath.
    03-22-2016 11:14 PM
    Imma send a cypher to ya... ight?
  3. Uniplural
    03-09-2016 06:02 AM
    Electric Poe's conception shows the weathers tone as wet like snow. It let's us know that rejection's cold, and direction grows to perfection, old. Remember, though, to reflect the hone of etch in stone when death brings bones to depths in homes. Web's weaved oath and clept being, smote. Connect free dome to collect hearing vocal, as swept breeze blows the next freeze over. Begat dreams flow as set brings glow of select wings stowed to project things flown. Next being's a stone entrenched, slinged, hoed. Respect king's zones as trek sings gold precepts seen abode in effort's achieved goal. Elect, strict roles protect rings sewn in marriage's kin alone, so inspect it's soul. Inept grip bows erect with foes when stability grows, so stretch ditch below. Nexus told.
  4. Uniplural
    03-09-2016 04:30 AM
    Patterns, waves. Clash your brain with factors portrayed and actors enslaved. Matter decays faster than rays shatter display captured to relate. Rather than fate, gathering traits of Saturn's gate isn't accurate faith. Graph the stage. Action's engaged in the pathways estranged. Travel amazed. Addled, insane practice can train mastered, contained cavern that's safe. Castles remain, as cattle keep safe and passive - the way of reaction to day. Massive elate is passing these ways when passion creates active, free state. Gather these - embrace. Chasms we trade in fathoming straight paths in the pain we track in rates keeps asking of great masking parade in masses of clay that act and see innate. Rapping on stage captures the page and chapter of late encapsulated maze.
  5. Uniplural
    03-06-2016 03:00 PM
    Inflection. Inspection of distant reflection. Sin's infection's the difference in perception, as beginning to section is divinity's direction. Perfection sings blessings, as kid's lessons give breath in kin's collection. Give attention. This connection slings deception when the ring and necklace meet flint and nexus. Bringing death's wish a stringed breadth, width is lingering next with sinner's dialection. Driven protection is exit. Think effort in. Whim's breakfast sinked wreckless, as list's convected, drifting less. Skit's stressin' betwixt simple introspection. Lift projection's wit, and address it. The gist of this mess is witness to conception. Live selective, with gift's dress, and switch precepts when equipped to lecture. Spring headspin in your skin's set-script.
  6. Uniplural
    03-05-2016 09:27 PM
    Homeostasis, roaming globe's shape-shift in a lonely soul, waitin' for Holy abode, impatient. Flowing glow creates it - the showing goal, adjacent to holding own, tracing. Quote me woed, chasing. Folding zones, praying for golden growth makes it - the boldy-wove sentience only known ancient. Betroth the old spaceship, and go through home's placed sin. Bestowed, we drove places to loathe and behold greatest control over thrones, escaping loneliness' cold abrasion. Soley provoked, Satan drones the tone's portrait, witch. Over the whole, face it. Don't gloat or slow emulation, but connote your role's faith in. Hope the trove's vacation can hold in tow, and make it's way, lit. Lowly Jones, achin', chose a coach to awaken. What's owed is no displacement. Be vocal. Loan arrangement.
  7. Uniplural
    03-04-2016 10:58 PM
    The Sabbath passed, as patterns collapsed average catch, protracting clash. Mastered craft in patch-wit paths contrapted match and captured mask. Actors bask. Matters ask the caster's sash of passion's draft back in class. Laughter slacks. Jabber nagged the latter latch, as cadavers snatched rapper's snag. Language entrapped. Platter lacked fatter dap of bragger's track. Flatter that. After flags comes mapping gnash and gathered mash. Action's exact. Passive batch of scattered drag. Rapture lasts. Advert lash. Grab your hat and dabble snatch. Castle's past. Cattle mass lack the fact. Hazards smash dispatch reaction. Plastered dads - adamant addicts. Massive cracks in epitaphs, brash. Tragic happens. Fasten slash. Adder stashed the random attraction.
  8. Uniplural
    02-29-2016 05:49 PM
    Listen here to the tune I wrote. I disappeared in a plume of smoke when the christen geared y'all fools, provoked. The mission's clear - the rules were wrote to specifically care like food and homes. Ten commandments shared in every movement of throat when death came, reared, as leveled, soothing notes glistened air with depth in tools and tones. Get with there. Jerusalem's abode. Thinking, hear truth that's spoke. Missing in fear is delectable school connoted. Grip the wheel, steering through the zones. Six is near, as symptoms fuel the dome. Protect what's dear - the sense, the duel, the show. Definite spear shed the proof's atonement. Regulate fare to accept you as chosen. Detect repair when movement betroths it. Connect appeal to glare in news that's Holy.
  9. Uniplural
    02-29-2016 04:56 AM
    I'm innocently wonderful. Trigger effects bleed under skull. Sinners in a vex need something more, as spinning in their head keeps fronting form. Bringing your best, see thunderstorms, as infinity projects each comfort absorbed. Dinner at 7 - beef, love, and corn seems to be the precepts streaming, rummaging horror. Liver's leavin' me upset. I keep tugging core. Winners retreat at a threat. Streets run their course. Glimmering dimension steeps underscore. Singers attempt eased, younger chorus. I'm a thinker to the death. Peace comes according. Lingering in-depth, reaped plunder bored my deviant contempt, so I seek nothing ignored. Slipping into veg, dreams flood my normal sleeping in my bed, as I weave slumber warm. Delivering, breathe struggles torn into sinking bread's buttered force.
  10. Uniplural
    02-29-2016 02:45 AM
    Synaptic clefts. Sin's action clepts, as in attraction, steps string passion's death. With gravity, I wept. What exactly is depth? Is this passing correct? Width's massively ahead, as my wit's fastly left. Give mapping your head. Driven backwards in stress, gift's action is next, as gripped trash will exit with wind's draft that swept. Bring that to the next kick-back in your bed. Whip past a dimension's drift, crafting your vex's snip, dashed. Connect. List past where you failed and lift mask from the veil. Shift that attention with crisp, bask direction, and give lasting affection. Forget skin's asking of perfection. Pure linen shatters convention like a hit actor with breadth in mystique. Ask of the levels. Lips smack at bread and dip as we're fed betwixt laughing and dread.
  11. Uniplural
    02-29-2016 01:16 AM
    Floating in space, I'm hosting your face, with an ozone to trace like a ghost-flow in place. Vocal tone abrasive, gloating hone's escape in token misanthrope, paved. Show-boat what I create like dome over empire state. I'm on and on in portrait, droning loneliness, saving atonement of my salvation for myself only, mistaking. No one knows me, so I cave into slowly provoking Yahweh to show me Holy day as I stole my soul's observation. Lowly in grace, I jones for H, 'cause my home wasn't great, and I owe this fate. Over-loaded in brains, my motor's waves read four-fold stasis in normal growth rate. I roam the lakes, hoping to play like with dough and clay - I've been owning Satan. Joe's my name. I'm bold in faith, woven in traits of oath and base to grow my cake.
  12. Uniplural
    02-28-2016 11:58 PM
    Word-smithing. Germs hissing virulent, missing from current stitching, like world's flipping. I come swirling - spinning. Turn innings when earn pitching - hurling, dishing 'til I'm purple and dizzy. Stern - strictly worthless in beats are versions of emcees spitting purchased glistening. My verb's sickly, leave you murdered quickly, and burn instantly like sherm and trees. Merlin skipped me, now I'm unfurled, tripping. Learn with me. My curve's tricky. Term's slippery when urge defeats courage, winning whirlwind's whisking. My firm gripping of dirt, dipping into earth, encrypts meaning like you heard visionaries. First, this king's purge christens. Fly like birds swishing. Ferns, sticks, leaves are burned for cities, as merged with heat is urgent quickening.
  13. Uniplural
    02-28-2016 07:05 PM
    The heart is strong, as it offers charms of larks and ponds in a park of yond. Stars and songs start what's fond. Stop your stall, and embark the call. Thwarted pawns abort the bond, so sharpen sword and arm the armor. Hearken dawn. March and drawl. Parts to ponder. Smart is smarter. Darkened yawns still tart and draw, so mark your walls or carve your soul. Parched for more, guard your core, as scars of war will dart their course. Art in orchard isn't farce - it's sourced, 'cause arch and chords spark the gourd. Cards enthrall, as farms are watered, so starving wallets are counting on 'em. Mars' form swallows doors. Talking more will yard the course. Watch absorbing the intoxicant orb. Market's more a marvel than torch. Carpel-torn, spark a warm target's scorn to calm and conform with God's reform.
  14. Uniplural
    02-27-2016 05:38 PM
    Ambiguity. Ran with fluent thieves in tangents of you and me. Planned it? If few believe, planet can bloom a seed. Understand this - ingenuity is a standard, and the newest need. Manage. Do, indeed, prove to be beautifully influent. Damage. Through the keys of using belief is construity, refueling plead. Handle. Abuse can lead to refusing to see the truth in deed, as wounds need healed. Stand in. Cue what's ceased in community - unity, complete. News to see. Commandments through, we read, as huge, achieved proof to be bandwidth was as blue as sea. So we expanded, and grew in greed, removing trees and losing leaves. Sands in the hugest beach blew in breeze, contaminate, until it fused with peach. View the scene when you flew through dreams, as continuity ensues with peace.
  15. Uniplural
    02-27-2016 07:37 AM
    Blindly generalizing is over-defining why we're replying, and sizing the realizing of philosophizing is dying in our eyes, seen. Despite Christ, we spite, free, likely to fight deed's right to be entitled. What's sight's being - blight reasoning of fright or treasoning? Noetic lightning, or seasoning? Poetic price, seized, or thievery? Should I twice read the scene and splice feelings beneath, or sacrifice so heathens see? What? Might we write dreams that're ripe, streaming advice, deemed? Reasoning? Life seems rice, reaped, with blight's seed stripe in seam. Light gleams bright beams of heights, leaned, sized, and pieced when plight steeped the night's creep. Sacrifice breathed and we dined eve with wild genius of wine's leaves. Try three's advice, and weave design's peace.
  16. Chef Goldblum
    02-10-2016 06:10 PM
    Chef Goldblum
    Yo man your rhymes are dope. Were trying to build a crew with people who are actually active. You have a spot if you want.
  17. Uniplural
    02-07-2016 10:12 PM
    Purpose in sacrifice. Worthless is Aphrodite. Merchants are passing lies for current lack of advice. Serpents clash and divide, as certain craft applied versions of catching night, while sermons reacted with cries. Firstly, the passion of Christ is earth being mapped in height to turn with practice of wise servants governing a happy life. Permanent protraction of blight, that surfaced in the mask of pride, is a personal act of dying, absurdly trapped and disguised. Merge with the bask of light. Word is everlasting might. Fervent is the path of righteous journey, combatting plight. Learn the exaggerated lies. Term the retracted sight's journal that's daft inside, and verses that battle, divine. Worth in asking why we earn a fashion's stripe in yearning for lasting time is working if you thank your guide.
  18. Uniplural
    02-07-2016 03:08 AM
    Spirals over-defining time's elope. Intertwining is final compromising, spiking over horizons. Trial's ode, surprising, tries us all. Behind trees, lighting grove, precisely, in sight that wove sizing, is disguise and cloak, as winding's night had broke. Sights seen, on the side of scope, might be signs to cope what right deems, as fire spoke, brightly. Combine the zones. Likely, colliding hope, with a spliced piece of bible's poems, and 5D can summarize control of sky's meaning. Eyes of the most high gleam, as trine's not sculpt with design's feeling inside our approach to sunrise and evening. Line that flows, coinciding completely with mind in fold, finds reasoning. Environment stowed, deciding dreaming, as combining whole, and dividing receding drives us home, yet provides scenery.
  19. Uniplural
    02-05-2016 10:52 AM
    Use logic. Don't confuse process with loose thoughts and feud's contest. Acute object can prove non-sense. Move, cautious, and construe context from moot content to new conscious truths dawned betwixt. Commune all of it. Who's stoppin' you, philosophic, groove topic a smooth drop's width? This brute, broad death? A fool's conned vex? Two, beyond depth, muses - double entendre? Ambiguity is strong when view's absolved stretch, askew, is drawn back. Clued on in, attuned, is God's sent rules - follow commands. Fluent, called men, soon fond, direct shoes to walk paths of due, common language. Congruence forms angles, shooting prospect, universally-sketched between full water and set's moon. Seven Holy Days pursued, instead of falling disgrace. Cue's formed, man.
  20. Uniplural
    01-30-2016 10:42 AM
    Position of observation. Witness unstoppable, gained precepts. Signal a topic engrained with addition of conscious wave lengths. Limits are not portrayed when precision is on in sentience. Definitions sought containment, exquisite. All of our traits, as even simple thoughts portray web. Finished doctorine paves way for living, stopping the day-dreamt vision of copy-self slavery. Omission; philosophical, arranged sense. Forgiveness. Taught could be strengthened physics, as stock's possible patience gives us God's creation. Stricken prophet's page tends. Conditions of haughty rage? Exempt. Listen and talk. Emulate, shared. Driven to flock's pertained care is a glisten, as rod never breaks or bends. Written documents gain fare within the body of savior. Those shifting in concentrated stare will physiologically gait there - the difference.

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