Entries: 1 (Private: )
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Start Date: 02-09-2009
Last Update: 02-09-2009
Views: 138
Stand In Edward |
Date Posted: 02-09-2009 at 06:25 AM - Comments (0) |
beautiful eyes brighter than the moon they should be causing the seas rise and you need to please try to accept that youre beautiful take a look in the mirror and see that smile gleam bright stream like tears have flowed in tha past but you need to put that behind you and continue on the path in the right direction im stessing the fact you cant keep your feelings packed well beneath the core thats a story from experience so believe its a road and a choice filled with pain galore only leaves you angled for bad things sad things but that isnt the point to this this is about a beautiful swan putting the sun to shame its insane how you cause more joyful tears than the breath taking break of dawn and a hint of a babies yawn the miracle of life given to you rightfully to walk upon this earth as a quench to the lords thirst for perfection with angellic complexion relaxation placed in the mind of those that look at the likes of your grace a state unbeknownst to those that have never seen such fascinating creatures leisure strolls to ease your soul of those horrible feelings and doubts of the truth that you seem to have laugh in the face of the ones that pound it in your skull that you lack what it takes to make your dreams and hopes reality reality check the next lines describe a bella donna and a stand in edward standing in the twilight of the night sky "tell me whos the first person you see when you close your eyes" i cant wait to hear the answer to the question of whos the luckiest person on the planet that will probably take for granted the ability to make you smile and abuse it and the truth is once again ill be right beside you to hold you closely in this lonely existance to make you feel as though you belong it may be a long pause of time before you realize the right guy exists though it seems everyone simply wants to exit stage left until theres nothing but pain left still you cant stay emotionally vacant upen up your heart and continue to strive towards love because i promise you it will arrive as if dropped from above by a mysterious white dove just know until the day you find it ill be there to hold you tightly in a safe embrace for whatever state of mind you might be in take a deep breathe in and begin to see its a suprise to everyone that knows you that you dont have people throwing themsleves at you to be that special someone and so like every other story this one comes to an end with the beautiful main character hand in hand with one that makes her happy remember i was just a stand in |
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