Originally, I was thinking of having 12 people in this. But because it's the first one and people lost activity, it will not be between 5 people.
-Brutal J
-Tyger Woodz
This will take place for probably 10 weeks. Each week, a member of Turnbull ACs or a guest from the site will drop tips and advice on how to do a certain task. This might be to do with rhyme schemes and multis or punchlines and metaphors. At the end of the tips/advice section, there will be a challenge for you to show that you understand the advice given. It will be posted as a Discussion in this social group. After it goes up, you will all receive a PM informing you that it is up. You then have a week from that moment to post up your challenge. The challenge might be to drop some rhyme schemes or to send a battle to someone. It will all be made clear when it happens.
(I have to post the last part in a reply to this because LB won't let me post that much text lol)