Conversation Between Whitestkid and Crack Money
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2
sooooo. I didnt see him voting on any of your battles! props for not hate voting, however it was still poor voting. and that will get your vote power lowered also... remember 5 means mediocre... a two is just plain shitty.
look kid I see your new so Imma give you a bit of advice, the nine/two vote you dropped on me and eddie omega's battle was deleted. He obviously dropped better than a two. if you continue to vote this way you will get banned brutha! Im goin to look at your battles and I bet he voted you a loss at some point and this was your attempt at revenge... you have a six voting power when you start out new and it can be lowered by mods when they see this type of behavior. I'd say that it's already been lowered a few points.... just some advice for ya. ~1.