Conversation Between ttyme and V3numb
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10
no doubt bro dont stress it anytime
11-22-2011 12:17 AM
its all good g no worries, and thanks for the b-day wishes its good to know some dudes still got hearts
happy birthday bro.. sorry i beat you in the tourny tho no h8
um srry bro but can you just write wnother 8 whenever you can and send it?.. cause i got mad battles to respond to atm my fault again, if you dont feel like it its kew too
11-11-2011 05:23 PM
fuck aite then haha just send me 8 and il hit up back
idk bro.. it mite just be deleted completely.. ahah hoold up yeah its gone
11-11-2011 05:21 PM
oh shit its cool g no worries, where can i go to find it? ima just repost it
my bad yo resend it, its cause i had another battle before you and posted the wrong verse on your reply.. my fault bro, get@it and i hit it up asap
11-11-2011 05:18 PM
ay boss, did that 8 i sent you work? it says you responded but i cant find it anywhere
if you can try and send me 8 no nh8 i just feel like you got some nice bars