Conversation Between HAIL LISTA and Vegetadagreat
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 16 of 16
happynightmare is your target.....end him
sorry bro who u need me to diss?
hey buddy start a cypher and ill jump on it
how come only 1 captain spot for d3athly...what happened to being 3?
Forget rap demon...bring me backup deathly....please....add me soon...
hey.....thanx for making me captain bro i really appreciate that....ya need anything done or need someone dissed, im there....r ya sure i deserve to be a captain?
yeah just give me your name after you change it
hey dude....i might screw my HAIL LISTA profile and start a new one.....if i do that, can i be in D3ATHLY still???!!
you had my back, so if ya need help, im there...just send me a message!!!!
dude are you online or not? cause you just commented on my cypher, but it says your not online
hey sorry man...your chat says your on line but ya profile says ya not..weird...
hey dude...check your chat! im talkin to ya bro!