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  2020 Audio Spring Throwdown
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Pseudo Nim vs Starwalker
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KDOTCARTER vs PeaceandLaug...
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FightsAndRap... vs PeaceandLaug...
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Occam vs FightsAndRap...
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PeaceandLaug... vs BnasBnas is on FIRE! 10+ wins in a row!Bnas is on FIRE! 10+ wins in a row!
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1mp4l3d vs mister jon f...
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KDOTCARTER vs PeaceandLaug...
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KDOTCARTER vs PeaceandLaug...
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KDOTCARTER vs PeaceandLaug...
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Audio Ranked Battle
Style: Written Length: 60 Seconds · Retries: Yes · Beat: Acapella (or custom) · By: LetsBeef Blind Drop

Board Games!

Skitt_Blazin (18%)
Untouchables Champion
Live Battler
The Sensei
Ranked #-- This Season
8.57/10 stars8.57/10 stars8.57/10 stars8.57/10 stars8.57/10 stars8.57/10 stars8.57/10 stars8.57/10 stars8.57/10 stars8.57/10 stars
Reppin: Paterson, New Jersey, United States
PapaLock (82%) WINNER
3x Grand Champion
Winter Text Champion
2x Concept Champion
2x Scheme Champion
Custom Beat Champion
Tag Team Champion
Ranked #-- This Season
7.55/10 stars7.55/10 stars7.55/10 stars7.55/10 stars7.55/10 stars7.55/10 stars7.55/10 stars7.55/10 stars7.55/10 stars7.55/10 stars
Reppin: Johns Hall, Kingston, Jamaica

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Battle started: March 15th 2020 at 16:53
Challenger joined: March 15th 2020 at 16:50

Voting has ended for this battle (battle finished on 2020-03-15 19:50:40).

  Staff Comments
3x Grand Champion
Winter Text Champion
2x Concept Champion
2x Scheme Champion
Custom Beat Champion
Tag Team Champion

You know what rhymes with SKITT BLAZIN? STRICC RAPED EM.

So what are you doing Kiwi? You put a VET AGAINST A NOOB, stricc "showed his true colors with the piece", so for this? He BETTER GET A "CLUE"!

He'll probly say some dumb shit like “my homie roams with the GLOCK THAT HE LEASED! So “we’ll borrow n move on this square” like a MoNOPOLY PIECE”!

This shady character loves my style, you got em up against his FAVORITE RAPPER! Watch him roll the dice cause I'm in the spot he's CHASIN AFTER, he'll "bite me to make a move up", bringing a whole new meaning to SNAKES N LADDERS!

He's gettin bodied if he don't watch his MOUTH, GUYS LISTEN to what this CLOWN TRIES SPITTIN! If he don't play-it-right? "Game of Life": it's my turn and I'll do a number on em with HOW I SPIN IT!

How did you get Hall of Fame? Most of the SITE'S DEEMED YOUR BARS AS A JOKE, you're just a "pawn slidin up that's not hittin home" cause all I SEE'S A "SORRY" APPROACH!

That's why I'm GIVIN HIM THE BOOT, act like a "know-it-all til I pull ya card" cause chasing me's a TRIVIAL PURSUIT!

EXPO: Clue, Monopoly, Snakes and Ladders, Life, Sorry!, and Trivial Pursuit are all board games. If you have any questions, ask. 

GL, Skitt.

Posted on: 2020-03-15 20:34:21 Private Message PapaLock


Posted on: 2020-03-16 15:52:49 Private Message Esso

Kiwi Peewee
LBT Champion
Rookie Champion

Delivery wise both were pretty much equal. Concept wise I felt like Skitt was able to include more board games and in different ways, which gave him a marginal edge even though Rieper was able to be more complex and get more out of the ones he used. Punch wise I think Rieper took a very close but still clear lead, in that his punches were better developed whereas a few of Skitt's bars heavily relied on name-dropping.

My fave bar from Skitt was the ms pea cock one, from Rieper was the snakes and ladders. Skitt's weakest bar was the opener cos it felt like it relied on name drop/plays almost entirely, whereas his other bars had much more going on in them. Rieper's weakest bar was his closer; if chasing you is a "trivial" pursuit that generally implies that it's easy or meaningless, which seems more like a self diss.

Close battle, I'm keeping my vote concealed cos I normally do for tourney battles.

Posted on: 2020-03-16 16:39:53 Private Message Kiwi Peewee

  Member Comments
Untouchables Champion
Live Battler
The Sensei

Fuck your setups this a (Risk) you take- playing (twister) with your brother allowing him to put his dick in ya face. (Sorry) for ya loss but When I pop his top he in (trouble), he ain’t have a (clue) who committed the Sin-(Guess Who) it was me in the his kitchen with the ratchet giving his Mrs Pea cock- and that’s where the (game of life) begin.

Extendos Shootin (chutes) ladders since I was 8, never pass go- in jail dreaming of the boardwalk and owning real estate on park place. Utilities due gottta play the game properly- revolver spinning bucking six out the can like that’s a (YAhtzee). Get em jumped like (checkers)- some play both sides of the board- trapped in the game like (jumangi) where your best move is to go back rather then move forward.

I know your type scrap- give the whole (Pictionary) out- I got the (mouse trapped!)

If it’s a battle for the words I’m (scrabbling) these nerds- butterfly his stomach- this a (operation) he deserves.

The family want to fued I’m coming back for more- gramma, pop pop the 2 kids give em red dots I’m playin (connect four).

krack your section/ (break the ice) and before the timer run out - Blowwww that’s (perfection!)

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Posted on: 2020-03-15 19:58:00 Private Message Skitt_Blazin


Blazing board game flips were cool AF. He had punches and bars to boot. Other guy didn't flip it the same but nice attempt.

Voted: Skitt_Blazin / PapaLock
Posted on: 2020-03-15 20:14:31 Private Message DifferentChild



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Posted on: 2020-03-15 20:47:51 Private Message Kompz

Tag Team Champion
Fair Voters Club

Jesus Christ how tf is this a first round battle. Lol guess I gotta relisten a couple times

Voted: Skitt_Blazin / PapaLock
Posted on: 2020-03-16 01:48:27 Private Message GOOD GRIEF

Concept Champion
Rookie Champion
One Bar Champion

Fair Voters Club

Yo this was a dope one. Mic wise both about even. Skitt was maybe a tad smoother but Riep had a bit more energy and aggression. Skitt definitely had more coverage on the concept as in he squeezed more "game name drops" into his verse. It was almost like a Chilla Jones style. But, I thought Rieper was Just punching a little harder and a little more often. He kind of went a step beyond and came up with some really creative twists on the concept. For the More out of the box punches, I got this one going to Rieper. But, it's really close. 

Voted: Skitt_Blazin / PapaLock
Posted on: 2020-03-16 10:28:39 Private Message Edgeworth

Tag Team Champion
Fair Voters Club

Fuuuuuck this was close. One of you was more traditional and had more hitting punches. The other expanded the concept waaay more and had a more entertaining verse to me. If I listen anymore I'll keep flip flopping, I'll give it to Rieper ONLY because he went for the throat more but I gotta say skitt really bugged out on the concept (especially the opener). I could see why someone would vote the other way. Thanks for the battle, fairs in

Voted: Skitt_Blazin / PapaLock
Posted on: 2020-03-16 11:52:55 Private Message GOOD GRIEF

mister jon flako

nice spar fellas,,close battle..both had dope bars and killed the concept on tis one,,i just got pne guy taking it with better delivery and aggression,,but on another note reiper or lockhart whatever name you are,,you got bodied buy stricc in the video tourney so that opener was irrelvant 

Voted: Skitt_Blazin / PapaLock
Posted on: 2020-03-16 14:54:19 Private Message mister jon flako


After multiple listens imma give a quick breakdown.

skit I thought you had more relevant lines in the scheme. Out the gate I was cracking up on the dick in ya face line. Felt like there was a part that you drifted off the topic into a cypherish flow but snapped back quick. Caught another correlation on the 4th to 5th listen. Good shit.

I realize this was a quick battle with the change up and all so that'll be counted on both sides.

Reiper I feel like you wasted time with the beginning bars talkin bullshit. Yah, It was kinda funny but that & the self hype don't belong in a tourney. You had the BOTB I thought and set ups were on point as usual and a couple stand out lines that made perfect sense. Not sure if the lack of scheme related content and filler will offset the hits you produced but this was pretty good for a quick write up.

Fairs in wether you like it or not. good luck guys

Voted: Skitt_Blazin / PapaLock
Posted on: 2020-03-16 17:56:11 Private Message MecH

Untouchables Champion
Live Battler
The Sensei

If we can get this guy guys vote deleted it's appreciated, it's a obvious hate vote! He despises me for some reason, if not it's cool.

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Posted on: 2020-03-16 18:25:10 Private Message Skitt_Blazin

Both did a good job maintaining the borad game concepts. I just felt one created better punches with it though. Fairs.

Voted: Skitt_Blazin / PapaLock
Posted on: 2020-03-16 23:06:50 Private Message NOBLE

2x Hall of Famer
Grand Champion
Topical Champion
Tag Team Champion

This is a tough one to judge yo. Both did very well with the scheme... i feel skitt had a very smooth way of putting the games together and managed to put a couple heavy lines in there too. Reaper went in with the concepts and flipped them a little better. Both had good deliveries, damn this is hard. I've got one edging here because the bars were a little more complex but I can see this going either way. Dope battle fellas enjoyed the listen RESPECT to both. 

Voted: Skitt_Blazin / PapaLock
Posted on: 2020-03-17 02:39:44 Private Message Erupt


This one was hard. I have one edging this, my winner just had better structure with his verse and better executed punches that related to the concept. My loser had a smooth flow but had some filler in where he could of had some punches or tied into the concept more. Was a good battle, I had to listen 3 times. Voted, Fair. Do the Same.

Voted: Skitt_Blazin / PapaLock
Posted on: 2020-03-18 16:11:26 Private Message UhMAZING


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