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  2020 Audio Spring Throwdown
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Pseudo Nim vs Starwalker
Style: Written
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Pseudo Nim vs Starwalker
Style: Written
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PeaceandLaug... vs BnasBnas is on FIRE! 10+ wins in a row!Bnas is on FIRE! 10+ wins in a row!
Style: Freestyle
1 Vote 4.75 stars4.75 stars4.75 stars4.75 stars4.75 stars
KDOTCARTER vs PeaceandLaug...
Style: Written
1 Vote 4.75 stars4.75 stars4.75 stars4.75 stars4.75 stars
FightsAndRap... vs PeaceandLaug...
Style: Freestyle
0 Votes No Rating YetNo Rating YetNo Rating YetNo Rating YetNo Rating Yet
KDOTCARTER vs Mizz AmmoMizz Ammo is on FIRE! 10+ wins in a row!Mizz Ammo is on FIRE! 10+ wins in a row!
Style: Freestyle
0 Votes No Rating YetNo Rating YetNo Rating YetNo Rating YetNo Rating Yet
Style: Written
2 Votes 2.625 stars2.625 stars2.625 stars2.625 stars2.625 stars
Style: Freestyle
1 Vote 2.5 stars2.5 stars2.5 stars2.5 stars2.5 stars
Occam vs FightsAndRap...
Style: Freestyle
2 Votes 3.125 stars3.125 stars3.125 stars3.125 stars3.125 stars
PeaceandLaug... vs BnasBnas is on FIRE! 10+ wins in a row!Bnas is on FIRE! 10+ wins in a row!
Style: Freestyle
0 Votes No Rating YetNo Rating YetNo Rating YetNo Rating YetNo Rating Yet
1mp4l3d vs mister jon f...
Style: Freestyle
1 Vote 1.25 stars1.25 stars1.25 stars1.25 stars1.25 stars
PeaceandLaug... vs BnasBnas is on FIRE! 10+ wins in a row!Bnas is on FIRE! 10+ wins in a row!
Style: Freestyle
2 Votes 2.875 stars2.875 stars2.875 stars2.875 stars2.875 stars
KDOTCARTER vs PeaceandLaug...
Style: Written
1 Vote 2.5 stars2.5 stars2.5 stars2.5 stars2.5 stars
KDOTCARTER vs PeaceandLaug...
Style: Written
0 Votes No Rating YetNo Rating YetNo Rating YetNo Rating YetNo Rating Yet
KDOTCARTER vs PeaceandLaug...
Style: Written
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Audio Ranked Battle
Style: Written Length: 45 Seconds · Retries: No · Beat: Acapella (or custom) · By: LetsBeef


Warning: mysqli_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, boolean given in /lb-data/ on line 160

Error SQL: SELECT sum(reputation) as total_elo, count(battleID) as battle_count from lb_ranking WHERE quarter = 4 AND year = 2024 AND userID =
Ranked #-- This Season
No Rating YetNo Rating YetNo Rating YetNo Rating YetNo Rating YetNo Rating YetNo Rating YetNo Rating YetNo Rating YetNo Rating Yet
Reppin: Unknown
Bnas is on FIRE! 10+ wins in a row!Bnas is on FIRE! 10+ wins in a row!Bnas (100%) WINNER
Ranked #-- This Season
6.81/10 stars6.81/10 stars6.81/10 stars6.81/10 stars6.81/10 stars6.81/10 stars6.81/10 stars6.81/10 stars6.81/10 stars6.81/10 stars
Reppin: Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada

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Battle started: January 26th 2019 at 06:36
Challenger joined: January 26th 2019 at 11:14

Voting has ended for this battle (battle finished on 2019-01-26 11:14:39).

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  Staff Comments
3x Grand Champion
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Alright, I'll be the one to hotlist this, but I'll admit this battle was everything but hot. Both of you were terrible, to be honest. Tribune I feel you tried waaaaaay too hard with all the rhymes you tried to fit in to your verse here, all the while not really throwing any punches. Lots of filler in this verse along with some multis that were either forced or just flat out broken. Also, you literally did the exact same shit you gave Bnas shit for in one of your votes against him by mentioning someone else in your verse. Kinda hypocritical, if you ask me. 

Bnas, this verse sucked too, dude. Like you SLIGHTLY structured your verse better here, but overall there wasn't really any redeemable qualities to this verse at all (what the fuck is WORDS OF BUTKISS? How does that even make sense?!). Like you had some semi-decent ideas for punches, but overall the execution of them was really bad, bro. Like it turned the semi decent ideas you did have in to reaches from the jump, imo.

I'm gonna give this to Bnas because I feel had a jab that was semi-ok (pen disposable/insulin) and overall structured his verse better, but both of you were terrible here.

Posted on: 2019-01-26 14:44:56 Private Message PapaLock

  Member Comments

the “Definition of his name”, a COURT OF JUSTICE.  I'm MERKIN 'GUTLESS’, because in the forums he 'kissing ass’ these our WORDS OF 'BUTKISS’.. his 'pen’ game 'disposable’, he need MORE 'INSULIN’, and now he getting bodied by his worst enemy what a COINCIDENCE.. I'm ARRANGING A BUSINESS that's ENRAGING THE GIMICKS, his 'circle’ stop, because the only time his 'rounds pass’ is FACING THE 'SYSTEM’

Comment Only
Posted on: 2019-01-26 11:18:13 Private Message Bnas


good shit both i never hate vte greta job both fv 

Voted: Bnas /
Posted on: 2019-01-26 11:23:19 Private Message KEH


k so for some reason i have to say more now cuz todays youth are bitches and will run and cry to whoever wo talk about riding dick any way k so want opinion k bnas won it by far on flow great punches he be eating these mcs like steeling ur kids lunches metaphores in bunches ,, i think da living gona need crouches , angry rap doeasent make u better not even 1 percent better u should hit the book and come up wit somthing better .... but all in all i loved listing to both iv listed 4 times now 

Voted: Bnas /
Posted on: 2019-01-26 11:32:22 Private Message KEH


Damn. DLT did good but Bnads fucked his shit up. Dope flow. Felt like he really hurt with his bars. 

Voted: Bnas /
Posted on: 2019-01-26 12:55:43 Private Message Anas

tight battle

Voted: Bnas /
Posted on: 2019-01-26 14:02:22 Private Message Sony


holy sheeet that was closeee

Voted: Bnas /
Posted on: 2019-01-26 17:21:53 Private Message slickitkam

Wired Translation

to be honest this battle could go either way.... but considering it is written the winner stands out clearly... Bnas i liked your approach to this battle, you came in hard and you stayed in line throughout most of you diss.... i noticed you started to fall off towards the end seems like you didnt write enough and just decided to freestyle randomly. Da Living Tribunal, You seemed alot more focusd and on track during your drop.. you defiantly had better punches.... but that Bnas line how flipped your name was tight!... but besides that you defiantly had better punches and your wordplay worked great........i liked this battle.. but only one can win. my vote goes to Da living

Voted: Bnas /
Posted on: 2019-01-27 07:17:39 Private Message Wired Translation


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