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RickyLahey vs OFFTOPIK
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Insert Rap Name vs BnasBnas is on FIRE! 10+ wins in a row!Bnas is on FIRE! 10+ wins in a row!
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RickyLahey vs Blackzout
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RickyLahey vs Jmbmobster
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PeaceandLaug... vs RickyLahey
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12DiffChainz vs OFFTOPIK
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RickyLahey vs Lyric Lee
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RickyLahey vs Lyric Lee
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RickyLahey vs Lyric Lee
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OFFTOPIK vs Christian Jonah
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Samarthasaz vs Rhifle
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KING_KRIPTON vs RickyLahey
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Text Ranked Battle
  Length: 16 Lines Blind Drop

Quarantine PPV: Rieper vs Squammy

PapaLock (100%) WINNER
3x Grand Champion
Winter Text Champion
2x Concept Champion
2x Scheme Champion
Custom Beat Champion
Tag Team Champion
Ranked #-- This Season
7.55/10 stars7.55/10 stars7.55/10 stars7.55/10 stars7.55/10 stars7.55/10 stars7.55/10 stars7.55/10 stars7.55/10 stars7.55/10 stars
Reppin: Johns Hall, Kingston, Jamaica
Squammy (0%)
Ranked #-- This Season
No Rating YetNo Rating YetNo Rating YetNo Rating YetNo Rating YetNo Rating YetNo Rating YetNo Rating YetNo Rating YetNo Rating Yet
Reppin: Squamish, British Columbia, Canada



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Battle started: April 4th 2020 at 15:34
Challenger joined: April 4th 2020 at 17:51

Voting has ended for this battle (battle finished on 2020-04-04 17:51:53).

  Staff Comments
3x Grand Champion
Winter Text Champion
2x Concept Champion
2x Scheme Champion
Custom Beat Champion
Tag Team Champion


so she'll distance herself/social distance herself 

The LA Lakers traded Lonzo Ball & Josh Hart to the New Orleans Pelicans for Anthony Davis. No heart or balls in sight/No Hart or Balls in sight.

Clifford's feet = Clifford The Big Red Dog.


What does Squammy mean?

January 29, 2020 AZ DictionarySquammy in Community Dictionary

A drug induced disorder of cock, also called coke penis, wherein your penis feels like a flaccid, clammy, cold eraser after having abadndoned life and all sorts of its joys; to the stage where it can yell "I do not even care anymore" if one were to push a nail through penis. (A squammy is easily self-diagnosable and running aforementioned test is incredibly inadvisable).

Hog is slang for dick. The slogan for WrestleMania 36 is "Too Big for Just One Night".

GL, Squammy. 

Posted on: 2020-04-04 21:03:47 Private Message PapaLock


Posted on: 2020-04-04 21:05:48 Private Message Esso

Kiwi Peewee
LBT Champion
Rookie Champion

Cool Slim C's vote deleted as a hate vote due to 1-2 ratings. You may re-vote but you must provide reasonable ratings and justify your opinion with examples and explanation.

Posted on: 2020-04-06 04:17:18 Private Message Kiwi Peewee

  Member Comments

Expo for a few lines, should catch most:

1) “Pistol whipping” is “hitting” someone with a gun (“bottom of the barrel”), usually when you “run out of ammo”. Bottom of the barrel also means low quality, so because he has no ammo against me (can’t name flip) he’s giving me shit bars. 

2) The “prophet” “Muhammed” had an “average life” but is often “falsely believed to be a God”. Muslims say “Peace Be Upon Him” after mentioning Muhammad. “Piece” is a gun. 

3) In Harry Potter, the “Deathly Hallows” are “3 gifts” from the “Reaper”, a “wand”, a “stone” and “cloak”. “Rieper” gives “free gifts” out in exchange for votes, and those who throw “stones” (attack him) stay “cloaked” (hidden) because he “blocks those who act offensive” and aren’t “line-backers” (don’t like his lines).

4) “Grim Reaper” shows up when you die (have “no life”), and “Rieper” has “no life” outside of LB.

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Posted on: 2020-04-04 20:59:28 Private Message Squammy


Squammy is from Squamish. Should add that its 29 likes and 19 dislikes on Urban Dictionary. Bottom of the barrel ;). GL though.

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Posted on: 2020-04-04 21:11:57 Private Message Squammy


This quarantine battle is dope. I felt like squammy's metas are a little overboard, but he had some really nice bars like the linebacker one. I don't think it was enough to beat Rieper because I just think his punches hit harder and my favorite part was the pelicans game at home  to the desperate and traded both. 

Voted: PapaLock / Squammy
Posted on: 2020-04-05 01:06:38 Private Message Brahms

One Bar Champion
Fair Voters Club

Squammy had some really good punches here but I have to hand it to Rieper for being more consistent. Punches were solid throughout and the flow never stopped being good. Squammy IMO actually had BOTB with the bottom of the barrel line, but the Muhammad bar, wrestler punch, Deathly Hallows, blocks those that act offensive weren't really doing it for me. Still better than most of the shit that people drop in opens but not quite enough to take out Rieper. Also I think Rieper's readability really put him over the top versus Squammy less consistently structured read. Fair's in.

Voted: PapaLock / Squammy
Posted on: 2020-04-05 02:21:07 Private Message Shodan

Tag Team Champion
Fair Voters Club

Rieper: some say with your openers style, it takes away from the bar because you see it coming. For me tho I personally like it, it's like watching someone build a tower. Dope. now the trades bar was good but it was a bit long. Saying he traded his heart and balls? Lol nit pick mode activated. Paws/Pause wp you know is some 2007 shit. You closers got a chuckle outta me lol. Dope as expected

Squammy: aww Squammy that opener is so obvious. NOW THAT FOLLOW UP WAS HEAT BRO!!!  Nice shit. The Muhammad bar was good. Nice references. That Deathyly Hallows bar was ILL AS FUCK!! That's the Rieper flip we want bro! Lol BUT the wp was a bit forced. Since youre non American I'll over look it as your accent (even tho Wand/Won-Dre pushes the fuck out of it.) the closers were just meh. Again kind of obvious Squam.

i hate these long expos but battles as good as these need them. Rieper had more highs and less mistakes in terms of creativity so (begrudgingly) my vote goes to Rieper. Squam, when you write next time I want you to think... "will my audience be expecting a punch like this?" I gotta say "Reaper =death" was mad expected. Lol now the deathly hollows bit is dope just because it adds a fresh angle on it feel me? Fairs in great one, throwing dimes for the CULTURE

Voted: PapaLock / Squammy
Posted on: 2020-04-05 10:12:01 Private Message GOOD GRIEF

<Double M>

I read both verses a few times. Great battle imo, I like the personals in both verses, Squammy had a dope closer, Reiper had a dope closer as well. But I felt like Reiper took this with the most memorable bars..and a lil bit better execution..

Voted: PapaLock / Squammy
Posted on: 2020-04-05 15:26:53 Private Message Brickrepper

Cool Slim C

im finna vote

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Posted on: 2020-04-05 17:38:51 Private Message Cool Slim C

Cool Slim C

this battlle was so boreing i was hammering nails in my forehead to stay awake. Sqammy takes it for being better at rhyming and less cringy

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Posted on: 2020-04-05 17:43:01 Private Message Cool Slim C


Rieper-my favorite part was your last line I think that was a killer. It was funny to me. The other lines, well once I seen the expo. The hearts and balls line was a good setup.  The quarantine line I've heard so many times so far it's lost its touch.  Overalls 2 solid lines, and what I like overall is lack of gun play.  Personally think gun play is played out.  Overall a 7.

squammy-first Line was funny lol.  I loved that,  overall you might not of had some real hitters but I liked the style of flow, so wasn't difficult to understand.  Seems like to me that you study your opponent lol.  So it seemed real personal hits which was good.  Your last line was also pretty nice.  Overall I'm a give you a 6, pretty good.

Voted: PapaLock / Squammy
Posted on: 2020-04-05 17:47:30 Private Message Jrh

Concept Champion
Rookie Champion
One Bar Champion

Fair Voters Club

Got Rieper ahead here with some really impressive schemework and consistent output of quality punches. He even found a way to put a funny spin on the unflippable squammy nameflip (and THEN do an actual dope flip on it, even if a litle obscure). Squamy was coming with some solid ideas. But, i think some of his shit was just too basic (i.e. opener) and some of his execution hurt him a bit here (wand/wonder, three/free).

Voted: PapaLock / Squammy
Posted on: 2020-04-06 22:55:34 Private Message Edgeworth


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