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Pseudo Nim vs NOBLE
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RickyLahey vs OFFTOPIK
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AT4 vs ThaWorst
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Insert Rap Name vs BnasBnas is on FIRE! 10+ wins in a row!Bnas is on FIRE! 10+ wins in a row!
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RickyLahey vs Blackzout
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RickyLahey vs Jmbmobster
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PeaceandLaug... vs RickyLahey
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12DiffChainz vs OFFTOPIK
16 Lines (8 Bars) Blind Drop
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RickyLahey vs Lyric Lee
8 Lines (4 Bars)
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RickyLahey vs Lyric Lee
8 Lines (4 Bars)
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RickyLahey vs Lyric Lee
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OFFTOPIK vs Christian Jonah
8 Lines (4 Bars) Blind Drop
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Samarthasaz vs Rhifle
8 Lines (4 Bars) Blind Drop
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KING_KRIPTON vs RickyLahey
16 Lines (8 Bars)
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Text Ranked Battle
  Length: 8 Lines Blind Drop

Brahms (67%) WINNER
Ranked #-- This Season
5.82/10 stars5.82/10 stars5.82/10 stars5.82/10 stars5.82/10 stars5.82/10 stars5.82/10 stars5.82/10 stars5.82/10 stars5.82/10 stars
Crew: NewEra
Reppin: Ridgewood, New Jersey, United States
BizzyOne (33%)
LBA Champion
Scheme Champion
Ranked #-- This Season
7.36/10 stars7.36/10 stars7.36/10 stars7.36/10 stars7.36/10 stars7.36/10 stars7.36/10 stars7.36/10 stars7.36/10 stars7.36/10 stars
Reppin: California, United States



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Battle started: September 13th 2019 at 02:06
Challenger joined: September 13th 2019 at 04:41

Voting has ended for this battle (battle finished on 2019-09-13 04:41:31).

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LBA Champion
Scheme Champion

Nice battle fam. I should have ended my last bar alot stronger. Thats what i get for rushing the end.

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Posted on: 2019-09-13 04:45:03 Private Message BizzyOne


Good battle. I was so drunk when I did this lol

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Posted on: 2019-09-13 09:31:38 Private Message Brahms

LBA Champion
Scheme Champion

GodBody is the leader of his crew by the way

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Posted on: 2019-09-13 11:41:24 Private Message BizzyOne


i voted for tha 1 i did cuz i felt as if he had a stronger verse. and the opther guy seem'd to of came weak in my opinion

Voted: Brahms / BizzyOne
Posted on: 2019-09-14 13:05:07 Private Message PeaceandLaughter


This battle was pretty dope and evenly matched for the most part...this taken into consideration, I'll have to break it down bar for my critique, in some parts will seem rather small...but it was necessary, in order for me to judge this fairly and honestly. Here we go...


"Takin over to get this bread like A SEAGULL OUTBURST!/ so this robbin life's a gamble like hitting up THE RENO OUTSKIRTS(Vegas) cause your chain, and your valuables be in my possession like I left with a CASINO VOUCHER!!(pawn that shit)"

This was a very solid and creative bit, it's also relatable in a sense, considering I've actually been in the middle of a Seagull was humorous to visualize. The 'robbin life's a gamble' bit was a nice touch, but it didn't tie in with your seagull bit, I felt as if the entirety of it should have all tied in with 'seagulls' or your "Casino references' for an effective opener...seemed a little fragmented, but overall it was all relevant.

"gotta bar that'll put this fruit under like he's playing LIMBO WITH SOME GAY DUDES!/ Claims to be a gangster for years, but can't lay down a 'Tape To Keep It Clear' like covering WINDOWS IN A PAINT BOOTH!!"

Gay Puns are meh: although, I do understand the direction you were going, which was to debunk the "gangster for years" follow up...I do believe, from what I've read from you are more than capable of developing an opener to a punch in a far more creative way. I do feel that the 'tape to keep it clear' setup was a tad bit fragmented, and wasn't a fully developed idea...the wording was a bit off. 'windows in a paint booth' was solid for a jab, but the fluidity of the setup kind of deluded it's effectiveness.

"This Christmas, I'm going to send your parents some SKRILLA IN A POST CARD after you 'Died From These Rounds In A Mac" like the drugs MILLER OVERDOSED ON!"

This was the BOTB in my opinion, it was relevant and relatable/current. the setup was well developed and I didn't see the punch coming. Which are the best type of ones.


"You aint takin "flight" today, due to some INCREDIBLE ISSUES. Its the gates HE WON'T GET THROUGH cuz when the "machine goes off, they'll see the METAL THAT'S IN YOU!!"

This had the potential to be BOTB, pretty solid idea and I like the direction that you were going with it. What was off-putting, is that your multis didn't line up properly in directly in the middle of such a dynamic scheme (HE WONT GET THROUGH)...which crushed the entire bar for me. I actually felt a little disappointed because it was such a good idea. The "machine goes off" was a good double entendre.

"Now with this scheme i'll CONTINUE cuz your someone i don't CARE FOR THUGGIN. He's THEREFORE BUGGIN if he thinks he's fly, i'll put this "square in the sky" like some AIRPORT LUGGAGE!!"

this was a pretty solid scheme, well developed and executed. The 'airport luggage' bit is somewhat overused, in such cases I always take a good look at the setup leading towards it...which yours was fairly well written. The problems is, that you didn't disguise the punch enough as to were the reader wouldn't be able to see it was coming. Predictability.

"This is nothing but me exposing a LYING DECIEVER, he over here helping people TRYING TO SEE CLEAR but without GodBody, he's "lost and can't walk his own path" without his DOG BEING THE LEADER"

I like the personals being used here, well arranged setups and you did your research and made me actually go look for the information that you had presented, but once again...YOUR MULTIS BRO! the broken multi fell right on the punch! 'DOG BEING THE LEADER'...good idea, good concept, personal all in one...but the effectiveness was brought down a couple levels, but a dope build indeed.

"I'm ETHER and I'll shove my wallet down your throat n tell the cops i was STOPPING A SEIZURE!"

I didn't include this above, in the previous quote...because I wanted to identify it specifically. I felt that this was in fact filler. Creative, yes... humorous, yes. But I saw no real value in it being apart of your closer. With such a good personal build, you should have ended your verse that way and not with this bit.

Overall: This made for a very good battle, dope ideas all around...from the highs and the lows. Massive improvements on both sides, but I've also read better from you both. Both verses seemed a little rushed, but turned out well.

Fairs in 👍

Voted: Brahms / BizzyOne
Posted on: 2019-09-15 13:01:00 Private Message OGTookMySoul

mister jon flako

Incredible read overall to both you cats..and great fkn battle..both mcess had a great opener..but nasty was a bit better and structured with multis and punch with his opening line..  Casino concept was creative and structure was dope..but the flight luggage.etc was more im bringing you down..was more energy in the bars..second disses i went with nasty again..multis aggressiveness with a punch in the ring..dope flow..again dope..multis scheme and were dope too..i love the random writing..i do that myself...for me nice.snd sounded like the multi was forced..but still dope...thats ehy nasty took it.overall his verse was prepared than morrows..great battle..

Voted: Brahms / BizzyOne
Posted on: 2019-09-16 02:33:35 Private Message mister jon flako

mister jon flako

I meant to say..your ending bar sounded forced..overall you had bars

Voted: Brahms / BizzyOne
Posted on: 2019-09-16 02:37:17 Private Message mister jon flako


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