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Pseudo Nim vs NOBLE
8 Lines (4 Bars)
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RickyLahey vs OFFTOPIK
8 Lines (4 Bars) Blind Drop
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AT4 vs ThaWorst
16 Lines (8 Bars)
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Insert Rap Name vs BnasBnas is on FIRE! 10+ wins in a row!Bnas is on FIRE! 10+ wins in a row!
16 Lines (8 Bars)
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RickyLahey vs Blackzout
8 Lines (4 Bars)
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RickyLahey vs Jmbmobster
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PeaceandLaug... vs RickyLahey
8 Lines (4 Bars)
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12DiffChainz vs OFFTOPIK
16 Lines (8 Bars) Blind Drop
1 Vote 3.75 stars3.75 stars3.75 stars3.75 stars3.75 stars
8 Lines (4 Bars)
1 Vote 4.25 stars4.25 stars4.25 stars4.25 stars4.25 stars
RickyLahey vs Lyric Lee
8 Lines (4 Bars)
2 Votes 3.5 stars3.5 stars3.5 stars3.5 stars3.5 stars
RickyLahey vs Lyric Lee
8 Lines (4 Bars)
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RickyLahey vs Lyric Lee
8 Lines (4 Bars)
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OFFTOPIK vs Christian Jonah
8 Lines (4 Bars) Blind Drop
2 Votes 2.75 stars2.75 stars2.75 stars2.75 stars2.75 stars
Samarthasaz vs Rhifle
8 Lines (4 Bars) Blind Drop
2 Votes 2.875 stars2.875 stars2.875 stars2.875 stars2.875 stars
KING_KRIPTON vs RickyLahey
16 Lines (8 Bars)
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Text Ranked Battle
  Length: 8 Lines Blind Drop

Will Sniff (65%) WINNER
Ranked #-- This Season
No Rating YetNo Rating YetNo Rating YetNo Rating YetNo Rating YetNo Rating YetNo Rating YetNo Rating YetNo Rating YetNo Rating Yet
Reppin: United States
Flow tagious (35%)
Ranked #-- This Season
5.6/10 stars5.6/10 stars5.6/10 stars5.6/10 stars5.6/10 stars5.6/10 stars5.6/10 stars5.6/10 stars5.6/10 stars5.6/10 stars
Reppin: Yuba City, California, United States

Will Sniff

Flow tagious

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Battle started: July 6th 2019 at 15:40
Challenger joined: July 6th 2019 at 19:31

Voting has ended for this battle (battle finished on 2019-07-06 19:31:16).

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Flow tagious

So I accidentally clicked submit when it wasn't finished, but I don't think I'll need to 

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Posted on: 2019-07-06 19:33:50 Private Message Flow tagious

Flow tagious

put ya in a GILOTINE, make you CHOKE on this 'SMOKE' like some 'NICOTINE! Make your 'HEART RACE' when I SPIT, 'smoke' comes with fire, but your breath smells like SHIT

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Posted on: 2019-07-06 20:05:56 Private Message Flow tagious

Will Sniff

"Dont think I'll need too"

30 mins later

Posts lyrics.

Lol. Scary ass.

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Posted on: 2019-07-06 20:20:40 Private Message Will Sniff

Flow tagious

Didn't want to leave it off with no rhyme, wasn't scared I was gonna lose to your shitty verse, but gl.

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Posted on: 2019-07-06 20:24:28 Private Message Flow tagious

You Are Not Better

it was tough for me because I felt like flow tagious could win this one but based on a few reasons i've actually had to give it to 4 site

tagious I liked a lot of your setups but felt like a lot of them just didnt go to a clean punch, like the line "baby boom my skill just multiplies" isnt bad but it isnt great wording either and not much of a relevant bar to me. I liked where you were going with "smith machine/split ya spleen" but I dont really feel like there was a punchline payoff with some type of wordplay or just some haymaker to cap it all off, which maybe you were building to but that leads to my final point where you just wrote too much and it cut you off which is unfortunate because I wouldve liked to read the rest. just next time make sure u put more haymakers and only write the amount of bars asked of u, just focus on ur best ideas.

4 site your format made me feel kinda underwhelmed and not really taking your verse seriously but you actually had the two best bars in the battle by far in my opinion and i'll give u some credit for maintaining the same multi for 8 bars even if some of it was kinda hit or miss. "the very instant this blinds close" is really great to me very subtle there. I also really liked "snap your back like the spine of a bible for hotel arrivals" super dope. tbh tho i see what u were going for with that joker bar but ehhh still i think u had the more consistent material all in all

Voted: Will Sniff / Flow tagious
Posted on: 2019-07-07 03:10:51 Private Message You Are Not Better


I must say, 4site really had an impressive opener...but somewhat lost steam towards the end.The Fivel concept must be mentioned as well, pretty good.

My winner: was more consistent in all areas, although lacking in the multi department (a few slanted)...your punches were pretty solid and consecutive.

Fightin you is like benching on A SMITH MACHINE, fightin me is like a heavy deadlift make you SPLIT YA SPLEEN.

This was good imagery, a dope comparison.

My Loser: Was lacking in structure, but I was very impressed by the opener...although, no capitalizations were used for readability. Nearing the end, your punches seemed to drop off...and more filler' was being added to substantiate. A lot of potential though.

Fair is in guys, GB. 👍

Voted: Will Sniff / Flow tagious
Posted on: 2019-07-07 04:55:32 Private Message OGTookMySoul

Will Sniff

Shit. So I need to uppercase my multis to win. Got it. Got another open up. You think you're so much better, get at it.

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Posted on: 2019-07-07 10:57:39 Private Message Will Sniff

KG The Prince

Could go either way. I went for the cleaner read and the more and slighly more impactful verse. Winner for me too this one by having more bars that I preferred such as the opener which I thought was his best. He did less of the self-hype too. Overall you have a lot to work on, however this is one of your previous battles and I do think you're improving. Read more battles mate, see how others set their punches up and work your style up into something that brings solid punches. Side-note? Why does the Joker have a new smile?? Lol.

Loser was kind of rambling imo, and self-hyping way too much. That shit's for cyphers, not battles. Gotta direct more attacks which you did do, but not effectively. Your execution wasn't too good, you were quite basic and could've done a lot better by using more creative flips.

Voted: Will Sniff / Flow tagious
Posted on: 2019-07-07 20:13:09 Private Message KG The Prince

NeighborHood Bully

Im definitely feeling à 4site on this one you mad got potential fam flow tagious good structure fam b more creative and you'll see ya self winning battles easy

Voted: Will Sniff / Flow tagious
Posted on: 2019-07-08 03:20:13 Private Message NeighborHood Bully


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