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Pseudo Nim vs NOBLE
8 Lines (4 Bars)
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RickyLahey vs OFFTOPIK
8 Lines (4 Bars) Blind Drop
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AT4 vs ThaWorst
16 Lines (8 Bars)
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Insert Rap Name vs BnasBnas is on FIRE! 10+ wins in a row!Bnas is on FIRE! 10+ wins in a row!
16 Lines (8 Bars)
2 Votes 2.625 stars2.625 stars2.625 stars2.625 stars2.625 stars
RickyLahey vs Blackzout
8 Lines (4 Bars)
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RickyLahey vs Jmbmobster
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PeaceandLaug... vs RickyLahey
8 Lines (4 Bars)
1 Vote 3.25 stars3.25 stars3.25 stars3.25 stars3.25 stars
12DiffChainz vs OFFTOPIK
16 Lines (8 Bars) Blind Drop
1 Vote 3.75 stars3.75 stars3.75 stars3.75 stars3.75 stars
8 Lines (4 Bars)
1 Vote 4.25 stars4.25 stars4.25 stars4.25 stars4.25 stars
RickyLahey vs Lyric Lee
8 Lines (4 Bars)
2 Votes 3.5 stars3.5 stars3.5 stars3.5 stars3.5 stars
RickyLahey vs Lyric Lee
8 Lines (4 Bars)
1 Vote 3.5 stars3.5 stars3.5 stars3.5 stars3.5 stars
RickyLahey vs Lyric Lee
8 Lines (4 Bars)
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OFFTOPIK vs Christian Jonah
8 Lines (4 Bars) Blind Drop
2 Votes 2.75 stars2.75 stars2.75 stars2.75 stars2.75 stars
Samarthasaz vs Rhifle
8 Lines (4 Bars) Blind Drop
2 Votes 2.875 stars2.875 stars2.875 stars2.875 stars2.875 stars
KING_KRIPTON vs RickyLahey
16 Lines (8 Bars)
1 Vote 2.5 stars2.5 stars2.5 stars2.5 stars2.5 stars

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Text Ranked Battle
  Length: 8 Lines Blind Drop

CurfewCurfew is on FIRE! 5+ wins in a row! (0%)
Ranked #-- This Season
No Rating YetNo Rating YetNo Rating YetNo Rating YetNo Rating YetNo Rating YetNo Rating YetNo Rating YetNo Rating YetNo Rating Yet
Reppin: Brooklyn, New York, United States
Dessaline (100%) WINNER
Ranked #-- This Season
7.75/10 stars7.75/10 stars7.75/10 stars7.75/10 stars7.75/10 stars7.75/10 stars7.75/10 stars7.75/10 stars7.75/10 stars7.75/10 stars
Reppin: Saint Louis, Missouri, United States



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Battle started: January 5th 2019 at 07:19
Challenger joined: January 5th 2019 at 10:52

Voting has ended for this battle (battle finished on 2019-01-05 10:52:59).

  Staff Comments
3x Grand Champion
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Got DT taking this one because not only did he have more content, but he had the more impactful content overall, to me. There was still some rather unimpressive parts of the verse (mass a chew shit doesn't sound like Massachusetts, man) and you struggle still with wordplay working both ways like how it should, but overall you were hitting way more often than Curfew, imo. Curfew for starters you immediately had a broken multi in terms of the syllable count, and then it felt like you took forever to get to your punchline, which is never a good thing to do in an 8 line battle. Closer was a pretty cool idea, and I liked how you went with a whole bird thing for the whole verse, but overall you had too many technical flaws and not enough punches to get the W here.

Posted on: 2019-01-07 20:38:16 Private Message PapaLock

  Member Comments

Curfew I was writing to this. Dt grabbed it first. Send a verse. 

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Posted on: 2019-01-05 11:01:36 Private Message Vuitton

One Bar Champion
Tag Team Champion

Fair Voters Club

Curfew had a much cleaner verse as far as readability goes. What he said sounded fairly natural for the most part, multis flowed well (aside from the 1st broken) and it read well. Took far too long to get to the punches though and way too focused on bird box while only vaguely referencing bird box. Not very impactful.

Dt was kind of the opposite. A lit of the wording seemed forced. My crew mass a chew shit was terrible. My money is your reaching purpose sounded odd. Wordplay is only working one way,  from what Icey hes a route better picked doesnt make grammatical sense 

So we have a verse that sounds good with no real punch power against one that sounds pretty jacked up with more attempts to punch. 

Got DT just edging for those reasons.

Voted: Curfew / Dessaline
Posted on: 2019-01-05 12:02:16 Private Message Aggo


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