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Pseudo Nim vs NOBLE
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RickyLahey vs OFFTOPIK
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AT4 vs ThaWorst
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Insert Rap Name vs BnasBnas is on FIRE! 10+ wins in a row!Bnas is on FIRE! 10+ wins in a row!
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RickyLahey vs Blackzout
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RickyLahey vs Jmbmobster
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PeaceandLaug... vs RickyLahey
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12DiffChainz vs OFFTOPIK
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RickyLahey vs Lyric Lee
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RickyLahey vs Lyric Lee
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RickyLahey vs Lyric Lee
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OFFTOPIK vs Christian Jonah
8 Lines (4 Bars) Blind Drop
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Samarthasaz vs Rhifle
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KING_KRIPTON vs RickyLahey
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Text Ranked Battle
  Length: 32 Lines Blind Drop


Warning: mysqli_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, boolean given in /lb-data/ on line 160

Error SQL: SELECT sum(reputation) as total_elo, count(battleID) as battle_count from tb_ranking WHERE quarter = 4 AND year = 2024 AND userID =
Ranked #-- This Season
No Rating YetNo Rating YetNo Rating YetNo Rating YetNo Rating YetNo Rating YetNo Rating YetNo Rating YetNo Rating YetNo Rating Yet
Reppin: Unknown
Celsius (100%) WINNER
Heavyweight Champion
Scheme Champion
Ranked #-- This Season
8.14/10 stars8.14/10 stars8.14/10 stars8.14/10 stars8.14/10 stars8.14/10 stars8.14/10 stars8.14/10 stars8.14/10 stars8.14/10 stars
Reppin: Agoura Hills, California, United States

Blind Drop Battle
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Battle started: July 15th 2017 at 22:15
Challenger joined: July 18th 2017 at 05:35

Voting has ended for this battle (battle finished on 2017-07-18 05:35:45).

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  Staff Comments

Not a bad battle at all....Gotta point out both of yall had broken multis (Rai-Possum with some fetus diseases. Cel- snoop and grab shock) Rai's schemework early was sick and he had some nice punches....Ass out, Longitude, hazard mask. Some of the back to back to back punching was just unneccessary and the setup jabs that missed took away from the fact there might have been a really solid punch at the end of the 4th line. The 'ghosted my lines for pay", "examined the problem and seen the solution", "soul purpose of that unfortunate event" were not really effective setups....sick of Cel/Sickle Cell was kinda a reach. usual, pretty creative. Really liked the second set (Steve Irwin, Keith Urban). Magic Johnson bar was the funniest of the battle. Rai took the multis/schemework area but Cel's read pretty easily for the most part. The personals about the style change definitely hit as it really accurately described the tweaks Rai's been making to his game lately.  The personal aspects to this battle made it more interesting for sure but think Cel got the best of Rai in that area.  Cel had some really clunky wording in points (Diss stating C a copy, Coupe that hasn't got, snoop and grab shock). Overall, Ive gotta lean toward Cel here for just being more consistently impactful with his punches from start to finish.

Posted on: 2017-07-18 21:23:34 Private Message Esso

Head Moderator
Hall Of Famer
Grand Champion
Rookie Champion

Tag Team Champion

Nice duel gents. Plentys been said so i'll just say... fairs in. 

Posted on: 2017-07-19 13:25:51 Private Message RULE

  Member Comments
Heavyweight Champion
Scheme Champion

Expo: Nikola Tesla deaigned a "Death Ray" but sesrroyed the blueprints when he relized the damage it could cause, hes jsinf skizzos style( his other accounts habe a differwnt style). I beat him in tje Scheme tourney he only got 33 % (Larry Bird/KareemJabbars Jersey #) Mayweather called Mcgreggor a faggot and got backlash from the LGBT community. His gfs name is Sarah.

wordplay expo: Sarah Whittle from Jumanji, Red hair 'n dread,  sex group taking turns firing off, rest is there

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Posted on: 2017-07-18 05:38:56 Private Message Celsius

Heavyweight Champion
Scheme Champion

Edit* Anoynmous is his other account. Anonymous the hacker group..good shit rai. Liked one bar in particular. Lets gooo

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Posted on: 2017-07-18 05:47:07 Private Message Celsius

Heavyweight Champion
Scheme Champion

Last edit sorry lmfao nicole kidman is keith urbans wife, Buck = Buck shotgun aiightt

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Posted on: 2017-07-18 05:51:34 Private Message Celsius


Green Street Hooligans....holy shit this battle's crack. Thank for the mention

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Posted on: 2017-07-18 06:01:16 Private Message OSKAR

Mind Fuck
The Kid Gonzo
Tag Team Champion

9z for the dope read gents.. I must say I expected a lot more from one of these cats, I think his main problem was he was going for heavy hits so many times in a scheme that he became less concerned with the actual impact each line was making. Now that's not to say that there weren't some body bag bars in there because there were.. that 10 year ish was piff and There were a few other stand out lines that were cracky no doubt, but in particular the amount of filler I believe he confused with fuago jabs ended up really hurting him... the other impressed with freshness of concepts and the smooth manner in which his verse was composed. He also had a fresher approach at many times and came off way less forced at times. Been reading this cat for a while and he's definitely elevated since a few months ago.. both of these dudes have butttttt I thought this was actually a very easy decision, much easier than I uthought it'd be... the fair ones CLASSIFIED

Voted: Celsius /
Posted on: 2017-07-18 08:11:42 Private Message Mind Fuck


This was a nice read. I think both had their ups and downs which is expected, it's hard to be consistent throughout the whole 32. I think what got my winner getting this battle was that their verse was worked a little better. This meaning, the word play was cleaner, multies were smoother... just most categories I got him slightly edging it. This was dope n' close. Fairs in. 

Voted: Celsius /
Posted on: 2017-07-18 08:52:48 Private Message Bape

The Ambassador

Im leaning this way for consistency .... my loser was fire but then half way threw it all went to shit .... almost like two different people wrote it like two different styles first bit was banging hard man flow multies concepts all on point but then it was like some Jekyll and Hyde shit as the second part fell apart .... my winner was consistent good flow good concepts good personals all on point ... I found my loser had continued in the same vain from the start would of taken this easy .... votes in ....

Voted: Celsius /
Posted on: 2017-07-18 09:16:53 Private Message X-Calibur

One Bar Champion
Fair Voters Club

Good fuckin battle here. Rai, you had some wording fuckups and I think you tried to carry your first scheme too long. That's your signature style and you do it fairly well but you keep making those same mistakes too. Your punches were hit and miss. Some of your opening punches were really fucking solid, my favorite was probably the Cracker Jack one. The biggest single problem was the broken multi at the end... but Cel did the exact same thing in his closer too! Cel, bar for bar, you were above Rai by a tier or two, BUT I felt that your shit wasn't as connected as Rai's. Rai had the half-verse-long opening scheme and he had adjacent bars that covered the same stuff, whereas you changed scheme with just about every bar and talked about different stuff. Overall, this was solid coherent verse versus strong standalone punchline. One edges overall but neither would be robbed if they lost. Fair's in.

Voted: Celsius /
Posted on: 2017-07-18 20:06:57 Private Message Shodan

One Bar Champion
Fair Voters Club


Voted: Celsius /
Posted on: 2017-07-18 20:07:24 Private Message Shodan

Heavyweight Champion
Scheme Champion

Grab a shock*

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Posted on: 2017-07-18 21:00:59 Private Message Celsius

Both had some light filler in here that wasnt necessary along with some rhyming issues at certain spots that took away from the flow a little bit, one way more than the other. Celsius had a great first 8 bars, however Raiden kept hitting punches at a more solid angle with better scheme work overall Imo #VotersClub

Voted: Celsius /
Posted on: 2017-07-20 02:35:01 Private Message Dexter3

<Double M>

First of all i wannna say props to both, both came wit sum enjoyable shit to read, but sumone has to win..right?

Rai: First bar was flowed nice but felt it could've had more impact, i'm assuming a bachelor pad suppose to be high? idk but it fell short for me maybe i wasn't gettin the concept, I like how you got personal tho'..i feel personals completes a battle, sum of ya punches didn't land as hard but for the most part the personals hit, your long multie strings connected well, which is hard to do..think u had the smoother verse (FAV BAR): But the scheme tourney must have been a "Citizenship For Immigrants In The US", since it only took "TEN YEARS TO GET THAT" !!!

Celsius: your first bar flowed nice and had a nice sting to it, ya verse was kinda choppy for me i guess u was going for a more complex style, u had sum nice personals as well,  your non ballin ass? Ya girl been "sick and tired so long" "MAGIC JOHNSONS IMPRESSED!/ Tryna win a title off of libel, thread DISS STATING C A COPY, If you thought there was any "Red-herring dread?" You musta "MISTAKEN ME FOR YACHTY!"/Last tourney? a DAMN EASY WIN, CREAMED YA BARZ, u Finished w/ "33" like Bird & kaREEM JABBAR (FAV BAR) tho the inner multies threw me off had to read it a few times, & wat do "grand scheme of things" rhyme wit? couldn't figure that out, overall u had sum dope concepts and good punches

hard to choose but I felt Cel' edged this slightly with better concepts and punches 

Voted: Celsius /
Posted on: 2017-07-20 12:55:13 Private Message Brickrepper

2x Hall of Famer
Grand Champion
Topical Champion
Tag Team Champion

This is a good read fellas, and gives me a good idea as to where you both are at skill wise. So it comes down to better swag, more of an understanding to inner multis/schemes, and better executed slightly more creative bars. I was honestly impressed with the winner here and the loser for diff reasons. The loser needs to work on finding his own swag, and up the creativity/wording a little. The winner would have got maybe my first 10 from me in yeaaars if he finished a little stronger, and had one or two more haymakers that made me say wow. But i was impressed here, both cam nice very good read, and dope verse from the winner here. ez 100 

Voted: Celsius /
Posted on: 2017-07-20 19:24:42 Private Message Erupt

@Erupt this isn't even 80% of what these guys could actually do, remember both guys are in the tag team tournament & bars just don't fall out of the sky into your lap, im kind of disappointed we have do the LBT Card while the Tag Teams are still up.. rather it be a delay than to Rush the fuck out of writers

Voted: Celsius /
Posted on: 2017-07-20 20:11:54 Private Message Dexter3


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