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RickyLahey vs OFFTOPIK
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Insert Rap Name vs BnasBnas is on FIRE! 10+ wins in a row!Bnas is on FIRE! 10+ wins in a row!
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RickyLahey vs Blackzout
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RickyLahey vs Jmbmobster
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PeaceandLaug... vs RickyLahey
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12DiffChainz vs OFFTOPIK
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RickyLahey vs Lyric Lee
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RickyLahey vs Lyric Lee
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RickyLahey vs Lyric Lee
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OFFTOPIK vs Christian Jonah
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Samarthasaz vs Rhifle
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KING_KRIPTON vs RickyLahey
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Text Ranked Battle
  Length: 32 Lines Blind Drop


Warning: mysqli_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, boolean given in /lb-data/ on line 160

Error SQL: SELECT sum(reputation) as total_elo, count(battleID) as battle_count from tb_ranking WHERE quarter = 4 AND year = 2024 AND userID =
Ranked #-- This Season
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Reppin: Unknown
Celsius (100%) WINNER
Heavyweight Champion
Scheme Champion
Ranked #-- This Season
8.14/10 stars8.14/10 stars8.14/10 stars8.14/10 stars8.14/10 stars8.14/10 stars8.14/10 stars8.14/10 stars8.14/10 stars8.14/10 stars
Reppin: Agoura Hills, California, United States

Blind Drop Battle
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Battle started: April 17th 2017 at 12:24
Challenger joined: May 2nd 2017 at 21:43

Voting has ended for this battle (battle finished on 2017-05-02 21:43:06).

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Heavyweight Champion
Scheme Champion AND

the rest of the personals are all known to LB, and all true. 

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Posted on: 2017-05-02 21:49:09 Private Message Celsius

Heavyweight Champion
Scheme Champion

Wordplay: Texas Rattle Snake Entering (Stone Cold's Alias) GB, GL. 

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Posted on: 2017-05-03 01:56:32 Private Message Celsius

This battle was dope..

Winner had overall stronger bars..

Let me break it down..

Eth: flow was on point & personals were strong. Felt you stayed on the daughter subject a little too long. Would have liked to seen more harder bars in there. Baggage line was dope as well as a few others. Tbh this isn't the best work I've seen from you 

Celsius: I feel you had the advantage in punchlines that were more effective..  

Voted: Celsius /
Posted on: 2017-05-03 08:29:48 Private Message Dexter3

Fybre Optikz
Exclusive Member

Green Street

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Posted on: 2017-05-03 11:51:18 Private Message Fybre Optikz


Eth, I feel you extended some lines with fillers you didn't really need, just because there was a multi that could fit there—imo shorter concise punches are better (unless you do something that rly lyrically dextrous) and leave room for more conent though ik it's a 32. I appreciate the personals but maybe thinking of some fresher/different ideas to mix in rather than double tapping with the personals on his chick's baggy eyes and his daughters buck teeth (imo both seemed pretty normal so not rly worth the effort). Aside from that it flowed well—execution could've been better in some parts like I said but it was well delivered and a lot of the personals packed solid punches. The zimmerman and martin thing was actually pretty fuckin funny. It would've been nice to see some fresh creative punches outside the relm of him and his family's appearences though. Okay, reading cels...

Quality opener, especially if he has acne. Thought the shades of brown was a quality personal concept but could've been set up/executed better for a harder/more creative punch. Eth how you compare indians (hindus) to isis though? lol that's ignorant af. First read, although I think you should've came back with a semi-packed arsenal of deep appearence personals like eth did (I never use those to the extent of lbers now so I don't blame you) I think you had a good blend of personals and other creative punches. Your delivery seemed like it could've been better in a lot of the lines, different set ups, rewording, or concepts maybe extended a little too far—it fucked the flow up for me a bit in some areas. Still overall solid verse though. Re-reading both...

This was a pretty close one to me. Re-reading, I liked the creativity of the personals I criticized from eth, though I think some variety would've still done you better and made you a clear winner to me. I also think that maybe saying someone could reword/change the set up of a punch is starting to dawn on me as a specific personal preference I should be more open minded about—a few bars I had in mind, I changed my opinion on (i.e. eth's mimicking multi). **PSA Re-reading really helps develop the flow, all members should do that to deter being subjective.** On the other hand, I'm sure going full personal is actually pretty impressive and different (imo, since I don't see many 32 hell bound on literally looking through social media accounts). So there's points to be had there (battle & stocker). Still though, if you go for the daughter man.. her not that bad buck teeth? lol. Celsius, you had quality concepts but they feel rushed in terms of delivery and execution. Some could've been reworded shorter and more concise or the concept could've been carried out better (again that's my subjectiveness but I think it applies to you moreso than eth).. (i.e. the colors punch). For the most part though you brought some fresh material to the table and mixed in some quality personals for the punches.

Overall, ETH inches it with the creative consistency in his hard hitting personals being the cherry on top of mostly the delivery and execution gaining him the edge. Cel, your personals were good and the outside concepts were pretty good as well, I just think ETH edged on the power. Close bout though. I had to juggle this one. Good read. 

Voted: Celsius /
Posted on: 2017-05-03 14:24:02 Private Message S T O Y


This shit is absolutely BANANAS!! But Eth was Just Over the Top with it. As Grimy and Slimy As This verse Was....IT HIT HARD!

Voted: Celsius /
Posted on: 2017-05-03 22:02:37 Private Message HIGHpothasis


Amazing battle. Will explain vote in a bit.

Voted: Celsius /
Posted on: 2017-05-04 02:03:06 Private Message Papi


Dope fucking match. Honestly think EtH got this as his punches had some much more impact when they landed. Besides that it was pretty much even. Nice shit. 

Voted: Celsius /
Posted on: 2017-05-04 10:11:05 Private Message Bape


so much more*

Voted: Celsius /
Posted on: 2017-05-04 10:11:48 Private Message Bape

Coldstorms Dad

Mr Eth- Your personals did more damage by themselves but you failed to actually translate the personals into punchlines. Most of them were basically statements and didnt hit hard as a punchline. I am personally not a fan of pic disses as they arent conceptually creative but the closer was funny. I think you had a good way to execute your lines with crystal clear wording to support your personals. I felt that you could have incorporated a creative concept in the build up to the personal and then execute it as a punchline instead of just ending it as a statement. The bucks in his grill/BBQ was your best line and you actually had a concept behind that personal which further was executed as a punchline. Thats what im talking about. Other than that you had a great sense of continuity with your verse being well worded and delivered.

Celsius- I felt that you had relevant setups throughout the bar with creative concepts and punches. The only problem i have with your verse is that it had a lot of wording issues. Like for example- "SCARCELY BUDGETING, SILLY FRUAD'STA" was forced and sounded awkward. I know you had a relevant factory setup in that same line which tied in with the willy wonka punch but the way you ended the setup was awkward and horribly worded. The akon/rubbing you the wrong way line was your best bar. I appreciate you using an idiom to end the punchline with. I feel that if you somehow removed the word "like" and used the same bar as a metaphor instead of a simile, it would hit 2x as hard.

Overall- I felt that Eth had bars that were clean and clearly worded but had less punches and Celsius had more punchlines and creative concepts but his wording was iffy in places. I give this to Celsius based on personal preference because of his creative punches. Good battle

Voted: Celsius /
Posted on: 2017-05-04 13:49:48 Private Message Coldstorms Dad

My winners wordplay was more creative which led to better angles and made his punches hit that much harder enjoyed the read from both fv and gb yall 

Voted: Celsius /
Posted on: 2017-05-05 11:57:03 Private Message YC

One Bar Champion
Tag Team Champion

Fair Voters Club

Ok. Here's where I'm at with this battle. I think all the hype was detrimental. There was all this lead up about how this was gonna rock cel and have him running from the site. He dipped (then rentered) a tourney. It was gonna be crazy. Then here it is and it's just making fun of some pictures. No real dirt at all. The insults were funny but the lyricism was fairly simple. I actually think all the fb pics and stuff were detrimental and eths writing ability took a backseat to some pics. Cel verse was lyrically more complex and although there were some misses, like the color concept, he had some good bars in there and in a text battle, I have to give the w to the verse that is better lyrically.

Voted: Celsius /
Posted on: 2017-05-05 16:30:24 Private Message Aggo


Personals vs. Bars, this was a super close battle but I gotta go with the one who made me laugh more. Also, not condoning what EtH did at all.

Voted: Celsius /
Posted on: 2017-05-05 16:33:00 Private Message Student

Exclusive Member

Intense battle. EtH verse was kool but i felt the angles weren't constent, personals was dope but at the sametime the daughter angle was everywhere. Im not a big fan of anybody but this verse from cel was solid. 1 had the harder punches, other had the better multis. Could go either way

Voted: Celsius /
Posted on: 2017-05-05 16:56:04 Private Message IllerInstincts

2x Hall of Famer
Grand Champion
Topical Champion
Tag Team Champion

Honestly i wasnt too impressed by either in this... The personal angle is cool, but its only effective if you make the punches creative. One did have one bar that i thought was dope... Which won the battle for me...  just look at the WHEELS HE SPORTIN, That "Van a white model" & I ain't talking bout the babe from WHEEL OF FORTUNE!/ ... That was dope. The rest of the bars were meh, some good personals both had that factor, but the flip got it for me. Otherwise i wasnt impressed. The creativity lacked, but good job for going 32. Try to up the creativity turning personals into creative punches, and you both will be fine. 

Voted: Celsius /
Posted on: 2017-05-05 16:58:27 Private Message Erupt

Dirty Work

Mannnn this is a very tough call.  Eth's verse was more netertaining overall by far, but he had a lot of things that were negatives for me.  For one thing he just basically battle dude's duaghter the whole time, and then adding those links was pretty useless because I aint gonna look at em, sorry.  Cel had more variety and the bars were more clever, but it just didnt have that sting to it like Eth's verse.  I really want to vote against Eth based on Cel having the better bars in general and because of the fact that Eth talked about dude's daughter the entire verse, but in a battle like this, I can't.  Eth's shit just had more impact and was more likely to hurt feelings, the personals were on full attack, and the bars were decent on a technical level.  Gotta go with that

Voted: Celsius /
Posted on: 2017-05-05 18:16:33 Private Message Dirty Work


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