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Pseudo Nim vs NOBLE
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RickyLahey vs OFFTOPIK
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AT4 vs ThaWorst
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Insert Rap Name vs BnasBnas is on FIRE! 10+ wins in a row!Bnas is on FIRE! 10+ wins in a row!
16 Lines (8 Bars)
2 Votes 2.625 stars2.625 stars2.625 stars2.625 stars2.625 stars
RickyLahey vs Blackzout
8 Lines (4 Bars)
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RickyLahey vs Jmbmobster
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PeaceandLaug... vs RickyLahey
8 Lines (4 Bars)
1 Vote 3.25 stars3.25 stars3.25 stars3.25 stars3.25 stars
12DiffChainz vs OFFTOPIK
16 Lines (8 Bars) Blind Drop
1 Vote 3.75 stars3.75 stars3.75 stars3.75 stars3.75 stars
8 Lines (4 Bars)
1 Vote 4.25 stars4.25 stars4.25 stars4.25 stars4.25 stars
RickyLahey vs Lyric Lee
8 Lines (4 Bars)
2 Votes 3.5 stars3.5 stars3.5 stars3.5 stars3.5 stars
RickyLahey vs Lyric Lee
8 Lines (4 Bars)
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RickyLahey vs Lyric Lee
8 Lines (4 Bars)
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OFFTOPIK vs Christian Jonah
8 Lines (4 Bars) Blind Drop
2 Votes 2.75 stars2.75 stars2.75 stars2.75 stars2.75 stars
Samarthasaz vs Rhifle
8 Lines (4 Bars) Blind Drop
2 Votes 2.875 stars2.875 stars2.875 stars2.875 stars2.875 stars
KING_KRIPTON vs RickyLahey
16 Lines (8 Bars)
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Text Ranked Battle
  Length: 64 Lines

KreativeMind (0%)
Ranked #-- This Season
No Rating YetNo Rating YetNo Rating YetNo Rating YetNo Rating YetNo Rating YetNo Rating YetNo Rating YetNo Rating YetNo Rating Yet
Reppin: Cypress, California, United States
PoetProductions (100%) WINNER
Basic Member
Ranked #-- This Season
4.88/10 stars4.88/10 stars4.88/10 stars4.88/10 stars4.88/10 stars4.88/10 stars4.88/10 stars4.88/10 stars4.88/10 stars4.88/10 stars
Reppin: Toronto, Ontario, Canada



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Battle started: August 3rd 2015 at 19:23
Challenger joined: August 3rd 2015 at 22:28

Voting has ended for this battle (battle finished on 2015-08-03 22:28:37).

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Basic Member

some spelling mistakes but you can figure them out... sorry peeps... had to write as fast as i can with one hand currently out of commission Comment Only
Posted on: 2015-08-03 18:38:04 Private Message PoetProductions


...Decent Spars From Both but One Just Attacked More. Should have Just Wrote a 32 Tho. Cuz the Extra Space just looks Sloppy but fairs are in !!! NOW COME VOTE BACK!!!!! Voted: KreativeMind / PoetProductions
Posted on: 2015-08-03 19:49:37 Private Message HIGHpothasis

Exclusive Member

My contestant did aight. I liked some of his bars but if you re read its like the saame crap every line. Comment Only
Posted on: 2015-08-03 20:34:25 Private Message KreativeMind

Basic Member

don't see how im repeating myself and other then some spelling errors and written in five minutes I think i did an alright job... difference between the had time to compose a verse and do what you want with it. the sad part of it is is that its prewritten and if that is the case its really sad.. freestyle is on the spot put it out there no matter what it looks and sounds like because then its real and in the moment. but im sorry to say reading yours over and over its coming off as a written rap and not a freestyle Comment Only
Posted on: 2015-08-03 21:14:01 Private Message PoetProductions

Exclusive Member

you cant exactly freestyle a rap on text. If you screw up you go right back and fix it and have time to think of another line if I had a mic I'd go off the dome and freestyle i tried to freestyle as a written battle. Comment Only
Posted on: 2015-08-03 22:17:17 Private Message KreativeMind

^This is true, also you could prewrite your bars too. If you're dropping an open you can't have personals, if you're responding you can rebuttal and use personals. So the person who responds to the open has the upper hand. To get to my vote though, my winners verse was more complex in most places even though it still was a tad basic. Both did okayish here, would really like to see my loser begin developing his rhyming more and then moving on to conceptual strengthening, kind of starting from the ground up tbh. My winner has basic grasps on rhyming but fails to deliver with dope concepts / punches / setups, and even if he did the basicish rhyming would hinder his execution. both need lots of work, but no hate intended just being unbiased and direct. Voted: KreativeMind / PoetProductions
Posted on: 2015-08-04 11:44:36 Private Message Ragnarok

Exclusive Member

Thanks Ragnarok Comment Only
Posted on: 2015-08-04 15:15:28 Private Message KreativeMind

Exclusive Member

tbh im not trying to sound biased at all either I liked my battlers bars. I personally hink I did justa tad better because I go in without knowing the person and what they have to say so i say a neat little beginning rap about that. i discover clever ways to get at him i said "you prolly like 50 cant rap unless youve been somewhat shot" and other clever stuff honestly I thought I was pretty good. Once again not trying to sound biased I dont mind that Im losing just trying to prove a point because its my first battle. Comment Only
Posted on: 2015-08-04 15:25:26 Private Message KreativeMind

Basic Member

THIS IS WHAT FREESTYLE RAP HAS BEEN SINCE THE LATE 80's Myka 9 note that originally a freestyle was a spit on no particular subject – J-lyric said, “in the 2000’s ‘ when we said freestyle rap, that meant that it was a rhyme that you kick that was free of style... it’s basically a rhyme just bragging about yourself.”[7] Myka 9 adds, “back in the day freestyle was bust[ing] a rhyme about any random thing, and it was not a written rhyme or something memorized”. Since the early 1990s onwards, with the popularization of improvisational rapping from groups/artists such as Freestyle Fellowship through to Eminem’s 8 Mile, "freestyle" has come to be the widely used term for rap lyrics which are improvised on the spot.[1][3][4][5] This type of freestyle is the focus of Kevin Fitzgerald’s documentary, Freestyle: The Art of Rhyme, where the term is used throughout by numerous artists to mean improvisational rapping.[1] Kool Moe Dee suggests the change in how the term is used happened somewhere in the mid to late ‘80s, saying, "until 1986, all freestyles were written,"[15] and “before the ‘90s it was about how hard you could come with a written rhyme with no particular subject matter and no real purpose other than showing your lyrical prowess."[12] Myk a 9 explains that Freestyle Fellowship helped redefine the term – “that’s what they say I helped do - I helped get the world to freestyle, me and the Freestyle Fellowship, by inventing the Freestyle Fellowship and by redefining what freestyle is... We have redefined what freestyle is by saying that it’s improvisational rap like a jazz solo”.[ Comment Only
Posted on: 2015-08-04 19:38:55 Private Message PoetProductions

Exclusive Member

fairs in good ass battle but a bit long hammiee Voted: KreativeMind / PoetProductions
Posted on: 2015-08-08 09:21:54 Private Message Jizz-Masta


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