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Pseudo Nim vs NOBLE
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RickyLahey vs OFFTOPIK
8 Lines (4 Bars) Blind Drop
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AT4 vs ThaWorst
16 Lines (8 Bars)
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Insert Rap Name vs BnasBnas is on FIRE! 10+ wins in a row!Bnas is on FIRE! 10+ wins in a row!
16 Lines (8 Bars)
2 Votes 2.625 stars2.625 stars2.625 stars2.625 stars2.625 stars
RickyLahey vs Blackzout
8 Lines (4 Bars)
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RickyLahey vs Jmbmobster
16 Lines (8 Bars)
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PeaceandLaug... vs RickyLahey
8 Lines (4 Bars)
1 Vote 3.25 stars3.25 stars3.25 stars3.25 stars3.25 stars
12DiffChainz vs OFFTOPIK
16 Lines (8 Bars) Blind Drop
1 Vote 3.75 stars3.75 stars3.75 stars3.75 stars3.75 stars
8 Lines (4 Bars)
1 Vote 4.25 stars4.25 stars4.25 stars4.25 stars4.25 stars
RickyLahey vs Lyric Lee
8 Lines (4 Bars)
2 Votes 3.5 stars3.5 stars3.5 stars3.5 stars3.5 stars
RickyLahey vs Lyric Lee
8 Lines (4 Bars)
1 Vote 3.5 stars3.5 stars3.5 stars3.5 stars3.5 stars
RickyLahey vs Lyric Lee
8 Lines (4 Bars)
1 Vote 3.5 stars3.5 stars3.5 stars3.5 stars3.5 stars
OFFTOPIK vs Christian Jonah
8 Lines (4 Bars) Blind Drop
2 Votes 2.75 stars2.75 stars2.75 stars2.75 stars2.75 stars
Samarthasaz vs Rhifle
8 Lines (4 Bars) Blind Drop
2 Votes 2.875 stars2.875 stars2.875 stars2.875 stars2.875 stars
KING_KRIPTON vs RickyLahey
16 Lines (8 Bars)
1 Vote 2.5 stars2.5 stars2.5 stars2.5 stars2.5 stars

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Text Ranked Battle
  Length: 8 Lines

NiNe T3Ch (0%)
Basic Member
Ranked #-- This Season
7/10 stars7/10 stars7/10 stars7/10 stars7/10 stars7/10 stars7/10 stars7/10 stars7/10 stars7/10 stars
Reppin: Atlanta, Georgia, United States
1LL L0GiC (100%) WINNER
Ranked #-- This Season
7.53/10 stars7.53/10 stars7.53/10 stars7.53/10 stars7.53/10 stars7.53/10 stars7.53/10 stars7.53/10 stars7.53/10 stars7.53/10 stars
Reppin: Calgary, Alberta, Canada

NiNe T3Ch


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Battle started: December 15th 2008 at 21:48
Challenger joined: December 15th 2008 at 21:54

Voting has ended for this battle (battle finished on 2008-12-15 21:54:50).

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Basic Member

Fair...vb FAIRLY Voted: NiNe T3Ch / 1LL L0GiC
Posted on: 2008-12-15 21:58:11 Private Message DrMac

Tooth Pic
Basic Member

gb vote back yo Voted: NiNe T3Ch / 1LL L0GiC
Posted on: 2008-12-15 22:00:22 Private Message Tooth Pic

Basic Member

no contest.... Voted: NiNe T3Ch / 1LL L0GiC
Posted on: 2008-12-15 22:03:28 Private Message BMCaligula

Basic Member

F/v. Voted: NiNe T3Ch / 1LL L0GiC
Posted on: 2008-12-15 22:14:29 Private Message FLAW_LESS

Basic Member

fv vb got h8 send 8 respect da vote. Voted: NiNe T3Ch / 1LL L0GiC
Posted on: 2008-12-15 22:21:39 Private Message _Teague_


indians experimenting with leaves/ then they found out how to smoke weed/ its a little hard to believe/ and the game is tied/ shoot the ball from half the court and it goes in, ohh my!!/ but what if i cut a guy/id go to prison and chill with the other guys/ and bust a fucken nut on my fucken bunk bed/ while the dudes in the other cell are screaming cuz they be getting it on/ but id rather be dead/enough said/ haha Comment Only
Posted on: 2008-12-15 22:24:40 Private Message {Mental}

Basic Member

FV,,, NO H8, VB ON HOT LIST Voted: NiNe T3Ch / 1LL L0GiC
Posted on: 2008-12-15 22:32:04 Private Message SHADOW PHANTOM


indians experimenting with leaves/ then they found out how to smoke weed/ its a little hard to believe/ and the game is tied/ shoot the ball from half the court and it goes in, ohh my!!/ but what if i cut a guy/id go to prison and chill with the other guys/ and bust a fucken nut on my fucken bunk bed/ while the dudes in the other cell are screaming cuz they be getting it on/ but id rather be dead/enough said/ haha in egypt/ adults and kids/ rocks came fallin down from space, thats where they got the material to build pyramids/ aliens exist, even the scientist/ got sucked off by a ghost/ woke up to see if i busted a nut like a wet dream/ but nothing, crazy is what it seems/ where did god come from? the dirt/ just thinkin about it makes my head hurt/ i bust flows and trust no hoes/ the black hole/ its carrying other life and i know/ the dark side of the moon, what the hell they talking about?/ i know the aliens went the other route/ i wanna get a application so i can work at area 51/ but theyd kill me for i even have a chance to get there, shits dumb/ they didnt wanna legalize clones/ and how the hell do they find dinosaur bones/ i feel like makin a sword/ i feel like inventing something, a mechanical door/ reincarnation, picture that/ imagine dying and comin back to earth as a cat! which came first, adam or eve? what about the cavemen that used to be?/ the chicken or the egg, the bacteria from the sky created the chicken, then came the egg/ thats how the earth was made/ i was chillen in the 12th grade and they used to hate me/ but im chillen lately/ my flows real/ obama for president but what if he got killed? i bust flows thru telekinisis/ think about the dudes that quoted jesus/the bible, imagine takin shit in a bucket/ imagine dudes back then wearing the same clothes for four days in a row, fuck it/ the weather with tornadoes and its cold/were the fuck did they get material to build castles/ i see life in different angles/ gods and angels around me/ the aliens found me in my house see/ i got abducted and this ghost sucked it/k Comment Only
Posted on: 2008-12-15 23:06:51 Private Message {Mental}

Sir Sizz
Basic Member

down step nine tech fv no h8 check out my battles. need votes bad. nigga thinkin he all bad and shit. Voted: NiNe T3Ch / 1LL L0GiC
Posted on: 2008-12-15 23:38:10 Private Message Sir Sizz


VB!! Voted: NiNe T3Ch / 1LL L0GiC
Posted on: 2008-12-15 23:58:06 Private Message Pharoahshus

Basic Member

Ha Comment Only
Posted on: 2008-12-18 14:19:08 Private Message JBl4z3


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